Thanks Lestat, Hyke and Phoenix

well you guys made me chuckle, at least!
I'm not at all sure I have the energy to take this further. Consumer program is a fun idea Hyke, We used to have one called "that's Life" which was a hoot, and turned it's presenter Esther Rantzen into a star. I don't know if there's anything similar nowadays.
The Post office is not so much a business as a British Institution, with all the arrogance and lack-of-accountability that entails. Albeit it's being sliced into liitle pieces and sold off piecemeal...well, that only makes matters worse. That means that you moment you find fault with it's machinations, all the disparate pieces start passing the buck around themselves. I already had a bit of that the other day , eg, "It's not our responsibility to ensure that a Post Office does'rt run out of cards; it's their responsibbility to maintain sufficient stocks so that never happens. Your quarrel is with that post office not us.
*sigh* yeah, that woman was prejudiced as all-get-out (she came as near as dammit to saying outright that I could walk to next PO if only I chose to do so. She said thaty's what
she would d,. and that's what what everybody else did. ) but I'm sure the other Brits on the forum will know exactly what i mean when i say it's pretty mild, compared with the Tory Government's attitude, and the Department of Social Insecurity. (to correct it's usual doublethink title). And yet people still voted for the Tories. WTF?
Anyway, I don't quite see it as pointful (or even fair, TBH) to single out one small cog in an enormous, inhuman and dehumanising machine.
Amd now I've got this utterly brilliant early Genesis track, playing in my head again. Amazing how this never gets old, only more and more true, as the years roll by:
(yeah, that's the whole album, but the track I'm thinking of is the first one Called "Dancing with the Moonlit Knight"
Oh! on second thoughts, the following link is better, combining aforementtioned track with it reprise , at the end of the album, called "Aisle of Plenty" . It's incomplete without that.