On the one hand, pleased that the bisulfite adduct I was working on precipitated out (have to purify a ketone, and this particular one has a fairly high boiling point, too high for me to effectively separate without a good vacuum pump, I'd usually vacuum-distill something this high boiling (it'd almost certainly decompose at the temp. needed to distill it at atmospheric pressure. Might give it a go at maximum power my venturi aspirator can manage and see if anything comes over at 130-140 with the trigger spray part of the garden hose unscrewed, the aspirator connected to the hose and the flow turned up to maximum but I'm not exactly holding out a fuckton of hope. Hopefully washing the adduct with various solvents should get rid fof most of the non-ketonic fraction, which in this case means impurities, before reacting the adduct with dilute caustic soda solution to split off the ketone and reclaim it. I should think it'll have to be pretty clean before i start with making and using the nickel catalyst in mind for the reduction,
On the other hand, feel unmotivated, I'll probably get the filtration and washing done tonight, as the shelf life of the bisulfite solution is not long but thats about it. Too damn dead inside to feel like doing much atm.