No. Its the species and its relatives in the genus, I just don't like many of them (and I've tried a fair few in the past, they are generally something I only eat in things like chilli and currys, then they soak up flavour, otherwise many of the genus are just bland, bland bland, might as well eat the cardboard.
The aniseedy ones are the only decent ones I've had. Some of the really good wild Agaricus species smell when fresh very strongly of aniseed, and thats a good indication that further identification is worthwhile because its pretty likely its one of the edible kinds that even to me make good eatin'.
And I'm bloody freezing cold. Sticking a little mini portable heater on in here. Even though I just woke up. Still wearing my gas mask, although its time to go outside...ugh. Because just since I had some issues the other day briefly with my mask (since repaired it), the exit valve having come off its retainer peg, my chest had been feeling a little tight, even with the extensive precautions taken. So whilst I had a doctor appointment about my crappy seizure control, (completely unrelated to my lab work) I mentioned that, and got scripted a 'reliever' type inhaler, salbutamol (albuterol in the US I think is the same thing)
So I'm going to have to go outside, into the cold, and then use that, since there is no way in hell I'm taking it off in here and taking/holding a couple of deep breaths. Kind of the opposite of what I'm trying to achieve wearing a gas mask in the first place