Stayed awake for BATB, got home after 1 a.m. Still a bit sleepy at 1 p.m.
Similar note, I could not get into "deeeeeep sleeeeeeep" until about four AM, awaking from horrible dreams every thirty or so minutes, when my wife came home from work and sleep was over until about five AM, about forty five minutes before my alarm went off to be at work by seven AM. So I had about three hours of broken sleep, forty five minutes of really good sleep broken again and again by the most evil creation of mankind's great thinking: ThE "snooze Alarm."
Oh, what sheer evil that damn snooze button represents. One is disturbed from one of the greatest pleasures we will ever know, good sleep, only to gently and sleepily tap THAT evil button and return to good sleep for but a tiny portion of an hour, only to have one of our greatest pleasures broken again by that evil damn button function, then again and again, until we realize that we are never going to get any more sleep tonight and the day is well upon us.
NOW we are running late and have to do things in a rapid manner that fills us with a further understanding of pure sinister evil as much as that damn button is inviting us back into our own personal torture.

rough night here, too but not for a lack of trying to make it better.