Wouldn't roast people alive? lol. I just wouldn't go and post about it after doing the deed.
Only time anything ever got quite that far (as yet), no fire was involved. Well, not the kind of fire that people encounter whilst able to count themselves as card-carrying members of the living. Well I certainly wouldn't say anything that comittal. The 'only time', was somebody that was (and by their own admittance, or threat, rather) going to rape me. Or try, at least. I, on the other hand, did not approve of that event taking place. It didn't take place. And I am not going to say anything further about that. Other to say than the noxious mitotic failure in question will be 'enjoying' quite a lot of flames, although I did not roast him to death. The flames in question are not to be found on this plane of existence. And where they are to be found, lets just say they are.....rather chalcogen-rich:P
And that some nasty ass bullying thug and general big ass hard-nut meathead...well..its one thing to be a big fucking bruiser and thug, quite another for one to fuck about with a calculating, logical, autist schemer with, in some, although not all directions in life, is as cold and at times machiavellian as they come, due to not having any restraint other than his own, according to his self will and DEFINITELY no compunction about dealing with a wouldbe rapist

Fuck no.
Hehe makes me think of an ex gf of mine who someone tried to abuse. I didn't do anything at all in that case, because I was not around at the time, or rather they had gone off for a while and got jumped. She told me later, whilst I was doing my best to comfort her, that she'd made as though she was going to be compliant, then grabbed the guy's danglies, and, she carries a knife. A big knife. One of two, one I bought her, one of those goth-shop type things with a big recurved and multiply spiked blade and a large handguard that has a smaller curved blade coming over the knuckles, like a razor-edged set of brass knucks, only in steel as is the rest of the larger blade. She had the other one I think, which had a mostly straight edge to it, handle like a lock knife with a catch that allows the blade to fold a little smaller to fit in a sheath and to double back on itself to lengthen it with a flick of the wrist, not a gravity knife, but sort of like a balisong (butterfly knife) only with just one handle-piece. And its got a vicious, wicked, razor sharp double-edged blade. Nasty thing ,about a foot long, extended. Sortof half lock-knife half shortsword.
And being the fiery wee lass that she is, she'd yoinked on his gonads and rammed that thing straight through at the base of his dick, then ripped it back towards her, halving part or all of it (I didn't see how much, thankfully. And luckily for the bastard who'd tried it on. Well I say luckily, thats somewhat dubious, depends on his outlook, as to whether he'd have rather either lived and gone to the ER, or bled out, I don't know which and she wouldn't tell me either. Don't think she'd hung around to find out, poor girl was really badly shaken up and in tears. Or if he'd sooner I'd have been there and put him out of his misery, eventually, after going to town on him. Probably would sooner the ER/dying than being hamstrung, his spinal columb bisected at the waist and dumped in the nearest wheeliebin

Fucking hell though, she doesn't muck about! I have to say, to actually USE a weapon to such brutal effect when its the heat of the moment and something emotionally traumatic like that rather than freezing and being disarmed and have it used against her, aside from being gutted it happened in the first place to her, I am really, really proud of her and impressed that she stood up for herself. Especially the WAY she did it, that takes guts and some steely determination. She's an aspie-NT borderline girl (I mean, on the borderline between aspie and NT. An NT-ish aspie or an NT-ish with a fuckton of traits. Either way, not borderline personality disorder), she's not (that I know of) on I2 but

to her all the same.