Really, really really tired. Yet I HAVE to work in the lab today. I badly need a batch of a palladium-based supported catalyst made up in time. Otherwise I'm going to be out of pain meds, bar the weird, fucked up spawn of the opioid-receptor ligands that goes under the name of alpha-chloromorphide. Its more like METH than a bloody opioid. Will prevent withdrawal but not sure how much cop it might be for analgesia. I have tried it, but only once or twice, and it was the weirdest thing thats ever come from any opioid chemistry from the lab, EVER. Definitely, if its a conventional opioid whatsoever, its one so weak that IV use failed even to alert me to its nature as an opioid ligand, if it hadn't come from morphine, then I wouldn't ever have suspected it was not something like an amphetamine or other dopamine/noradreneraline releaser or releaser-reuptake inhibitor. Not in the slightest would I have attributed it to anything related to opioids/opiates. But given its parentage, I strongly suspect its a delta opioid receptor agonist (Mu, or MOR for short is the family conventional opioids/opiates such as morphine, hydrocodone, oxy etc. target.
As this alpha-chloromorphide batch must be reductively dehydrohalogenated to krokodil (desomorphine) before my morning/mid afternoon dose, last one I have, of anything else, runs out, I'm going to allow myself a little time just for this to kick in so I am not in pain, and so I enjoy my morning rollup, and then I better get the hell cracking. And I really, for once, would rather do nothing of the sort, because I still feel fucking fried.
Bloody well bollocks to it all. I guess I might just start finishing the extraction of the remaining alpha-chloromorphide from the salts left behind from the chlorination of morphine, because there should be somewhat more than came out in the first washings, still remaining in the salts in the filter paper. One things for sure, the texture of that between the fingers is too fine and non-grainy to be pure table salt or mixture of that and sulfites from the SO2 released with the HCl from decomposition of the thionyl chloride that the morphine was reacted with., so that will be extracted a couple more times with a bit more methanol or isopropyl, but I'm still grumpy and pissed off and P.I.S.
That and I've been getting shit because my old man feels like crap, as my mom died two, three days ago. If he starts giving me grief about moving those cans of ether, bottle of phosphorus, tins of stuff of various kinds left to evaporate I am just about ready to explode.