Author Topic: How are you feeling right now? (Pt 2)  (Read 255079 times)

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Re: How are you feeling right now? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8940 on: September 09, 2016, 11:14:31 AM »
Mentally, pretty good. It's been a good week.

Physically, my back hurts, my leg hurts, my foot hurts.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Re: How are you feeling right now? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8941 on: September 09, 2016, 04:52:14 PM »
Apprehensive. Tax time. I expect a sizable return and hope I am right.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

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Re: How are you feeling right now? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8942 on: September 09, 2016, 05:56:48 PM »
Post ictal shitty. Like my brain got boiled then run through a blender. Post ictal shitty.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: How are you feeling right now? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8943 on: September 09, 2016, 10:27:05 PM »
Same old...pain, anxiety, stress, and I guess depressed, but I never really admit to that one.
Crazy, I'm halfway to crazy
Suicide would waste me
Homicide would break me
Tongue tied and tied to the tongue
Tongue tied and tied to the tongue
Oh, is life as bad as dreams
I guess that's just the way it seems

Offline Lestat

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Re: How are you feeling right now? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8944 on: September 10, 2016, 01:01:43 AM »
Really, really really tired. Yet I HAVE to work in the lab today. I badly need a batch of a palladium-based supported catalyst made up in time. Otherwise I'm going to be out of pain meds, bar the weird, fucked up spawn of the opioid-receptor ligands that goes under the name of alpha-chloromorphide. Its more like METH than a bloody opioid. Will prevent withdrawal but not sure how much cop it might be for analgesia. I have tried it, but only once or twice, and it was the weirdest thing thats ever come from any opioid chemistry from the lab, EVER. Definitely, if its a conventional opioid whatsoever, its one so weak that IV use failed even to alert me to its nature as an opioid ligand, if it hadn't come from morphine, then I wouldn't ever have suspected it was not something like an amphetamine or other dopamine/noradreneraline releaser or releaser-reuptake inhibitor. Not in the slightest would I have attributed it to anything related to opioids/opiates. But given its parentage, I strongly suspect its a delta opioid receptor agonist (Mu, or MOR for short is the family conventional opioids/opiates such as morphine, hydrocodone, oxy etc. target.

As this alpha-chloromorphide batch must be reductively dehydrohalogenated to krokodil (desomorphine) before my morning/mid afternoon dose, last one I have, of anything else, runs out, I'm going to allow myself a little time just for this to kick in so I am not in pain, and so I enjoy my morning rollup, and then I better get the hell cracking. And I really, for once, would rather do nothing of the sort, because I still feel fucking fried.

Bloody well bollocks to it all. I guess I might just start finishing the extraction of the remaining alpha-chloromorphide from the salts left behind from the chlorination of morphine, because there should be somewhat more than came out in the first washings, still remaining in the salts in the filter paper. One things for sure, the texture of that between the fingers is too fine and non-grainy to be pure table salt or mixture of that and sulfites from the SO2 released with the HCl from decomposition of the thionyl chloride that the morphine was reacted with., so that will be extracted a couple more times with a bit more methanol or isopropyl, but I'm still grumpy and pissed off and P.I.S.

That and I've been getting shit because my old man feels like crap, as my mom died two, three days ago. If he starts giving me grief about moving those cans of ether, bottle of phosphorus, tins of stuff of various kinds left to evaporate I am just about ready to explode.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2016, 01:09:02 AM by Lestat »
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: How are you feeling right now? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8945 on: September 10, 2016, 03:11:48 AM »
Why not admit to it. It is not admitting anything, it is simply making a statement of fact if it be the case; for there is, and indeed should be, no shame in being depressed. It is simply an unfortunate biochemical state, or/and unfortunate set of circumstances. It is NOT something you are somehow wrong in being, doesn't make you a monster, or somebody to be shunned.

Don't feel ashamed about depression. It may help you to talk about it. And I am fairly sure that at least the people here on I2 are not going to suddenly think any less of you, or see you as somehow a worse person for it. I speak for others, yes, here, but because I honestly believe it to be the case.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline "couldbecousin"

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Re: How are you feeling right now? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8946 on: September 10, 2016, 04:38:11 AM »
Why not admit to it. It is not admitting anything, it is simply making a statement of fact if it be the case; for there is, and indeed should be, no shame in being depressed. It is simply an unfortunate biochemical state, or/and unfortunate set of circumstances. It is NOT something you are somehow wrong in being, doesn't make you a monster, or somebody to be shunned.

Don't feel ashamed about depression. It may help you to talk about it. And I am fairly sure that at least the people here on I2 are not going to suddenly think any less of you, or see you as somehow a worse person for it. I speak for others, yes, here, but because I honestly believe it to be the case.

  :agreed:  It might help to have a therapist to talk to about some of this.  I'm looking for one myself.
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Re: How are you feeling right now? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8947 on: September 10, 2016, 04:45:19 AM »
 Feeling better about life after seeing this movie last night,
which put my petty job and boss problems in a new perspective.  8)
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

"We are grateful for the time we have been given."
--- Edward Walker, The Village

People forget.
--- The Who, "Eminence Front"

Offline Lestat

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Re: How are you feeling right now? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8948 on: September 10, 2016, 08:24:09 AM »
Wouldn't know where to begin looking for someone about my PTSD.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: How are you feeling right now? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8949 on: September 10, 2016, 10:21:58 AM »
Shitty, but life goes on.
Crazy, I'm halfway to crazy
Suicide would waste me
Homicide would break me
Tongue tied and tied to the tongue
Tongue tied and tied to the tongue
Oh, is life as bad as dreams
I guess that's just the way it seems

Offline odeon

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Re: How are you feeling right now? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8950 on: September 10, 2016, 10:42:53 AM »
Tired. I've been yawning all day. :yawn:
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Re: How are you feeling right now? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8951 on: September 10, 2016, 10:56:24 AM »
Sorry to hear that man (the shitty bit I mean not the continual living)

I am feeling better than I was before, after finding a large chunk of what originally believed to be pure morphine sulfate crystals, but from the speed of onset I can mostly rule that out, and the lack of a benzaldehyde or nitrobenzene-ish, cyanideesque scent  plus the strength of it generally speaking, plus the rush when shot intravenously being much harder and more euphoric, it had to be either dipropionylmorphine, or dibenzoylmorphine, the
 the strong smell of benz mixed with euthymol toothpaste rules out the other option, dibenzoylmorphine. Which I did however have some of, mixed with the formerly thought to be plain vanilla morphine 1.0, without any additional...service packs.   Plus a fair bit of meth. Had had some pramiracetam (a nootropic) earlier too to get my head screwed back on in the right direction. Not taken prami for several years but found some of an old order in a ziplock baggie. Helped a lot, not sure how or if it interacts with either opioids (and much less weird stuff like delta opioid receptor agonists, and odd, seldom or never prescribed opiates. Dibenzoylmorphine I do not know if it is used anywhere clinically. Its old, actually, it is, apparently, the first ever designer drug, intended to help folk piss upon the disgusting 'controlled' drug 'laws' as they should be urinated thereupon.

Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: How are you feeling right now? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8952 on: September 10, 2016, 01:57:18 PM »
A bit anxious
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

'People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.'
George Bernard Shaw

Offline Lestat

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Re: How are you feeling right now? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8953 on: September 10, 2016, 05:57:54 PM »
Impatient.  In a hurry for my latest work to evaporate off the acetone its dissolved in.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: How are you feeling right now? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8954 on: September 10, 2016, 08:05:29 PM »
Better than I have all week.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.