Thank you.
She's doing better, they aren't really saying anything yet, waiting for test results. It was a mild or mini stroke (TIA) I am thinking. Will know more in the morning I guess.
I hope it all goes well.
TIAs are scary stuff. My father-in-law had one while stopping by for a coffee once. The coffee cup was in midair when he, well, froze. The hand holding the cup started shaking but he continued talking, only what came out was gibberish. We rushed him to a hospital but by the time a doctor saw him, it had all cleared up.
He couldn't understand what the fuss was about.
My dad had an artificial valve...we lost count after awhile. The Dr. said that the valve, because of it's force would every now and then break loose a small clot...sometimes that clot would result in a TIA.
Depends in what area of the brain it happens in, sometimes he would just freeze, sometimes he would suddenly not be able to talk, other times he would get some numbness. Most often, he wouldn't be able to talk, but he could still write...and his thought process would usually be fine.
MIL did not lose her speech or bitching capacity

, just some numbness in her left toes yet according to SO when he finally got home last night.
Stay away from the bananas QV. Have to wonder if they contributed any to my dad's...he loved bananas. If my mother hadn't have hid some all the time I would have never known what one tasted like.