Jesus ain't got shit to do with it mate, other than in the sense of his name having been spat out in the form of a stream of vitriolic cursing fit to strip the auditory nerves from the inner ear of old nick himself.
Fuck, I've had about enough of this, I really have. Buggered if I'm not off out now to grab a large pile of something or other thats green and smokeable. Right now, I could give less than a hobo's jizz stain if its natural or synthetic, just as long as I get SOMETHING that will effectively neuter nausea regardless of how bad.
Lets just hope I do not have to open the window while I'm catching the tram in order to blow chunks. That would be both embarrassing, and unpleasant, if my experience of having to puke whilst travelling at speed in a moving car, hanging out the window and facing the wrong way round to avoid a 'blow-back' experience goes.