Relieved, big time. Got absolutely no rest last night, needed my meds refilling, and my oxy began wearing off at about 6pm yesterday, putting me in a moderate degree of W/D until I got to my doc and had him write my scripts.
The cramping, due to running low on tizanidine, was absolute torture, and my hip...good fucking gods, OWWWWW!. Couldn't even roll over in bed onto that side while I was reading.
Got my stuff, plus a refill of my chlormethiazole, which I didn't even know I was due for, doc refilled it without my asking, I needed some, but had no idea I was due for it..
The beginnings of WD make me overload big time, sensory sensitivities go through the roof. I wanted to relax a bit last night while talking on MSN, so got my hairbrushes out, put them on the floor, and went to roll my feet across them...only to find my legs jerking away involuntarily at the sensation, I couldn't even touch them, let alone use them to stim with.
Now my MORs are being treated to their customary level of opioid-saturation, and adrenal output blocked as it should be, my CNS is much happier with me.
Time to take my slippers off and find those hairbrushes, and relax.