Not that fucking whoreson ex is it miss K ?
Everytime that arse fodder comes to mind, I think to myself 'christ allfuckingmighty how I would love to skin him slowly with a blunt cheese grater before kicking him, skinless bollocks first, into a big hole full of vinegar.
Whats happened? I think I've said it before, but don't feel shy about PMing me if you want some support, or someone to talk with. You are after all, one of the handful of people here I really do like

, I'm not just saying that from a male point of view either miss K. Not of course, that you aren't purr-tyful, you are very much so

but in general, I do

I'm not the type to go running to anybody else either. Although I'd always make sure a friend i going to be ok if they are at risk of getting badly hurt/killed etc.
Hope yo feel better soon, and do PM me if ever you need to/want to.