Lol bodie, I know what you mean there. Although I can't STAND that sort of sentimental shite myself.
When my fields of the nephilim CD plays out, I think I'm going to stick on something bloody well heavy and turn it as far as it goes.
Half 8 am, but bugger that. Sleep? gah. Not going to get any of THAT until I have my shooting kit and some OC

Haven't slept in almost three days. And I am not happy about it, I NEED my sleep, badly. If I get sleep deprived much my cognitive ability goes straight down the crapper.
I'm trying to read three books at the moment, 'bentley's 'the morphine alkaloids' 'the plant alkaloiids' by thomas anderson henry, and 'the chemistry and technology of alkaloids' by frank somebody the fuck other. As well as a couple of articles on the stuxnet and duqu malware, all at the same time. And my brain is not in gear as it should be.