I'm up for it! 
Up for what?
"It"Complete unbridled nawteeness! Whatever that is! I have just realised i had better act on all my crazy thoughts now - or what will i reminisce over when i am old and in a nursing home? I think i will have fun anyway as an OAP especially when i am watching the staff change my sheets "Oh i am sorry, dear, it was an accident!"

I need to do things NOW! Nothing sinister, just usual stuff like sitting my naked ass on the photo copier and pressing the 'copy' button

, or haggling with the staff in Poundland - where everything is one pound "can i give you ninety nine pennies please?"

or maybe propositioning a stranger to come to a hotel with me and then doing a runner and leaving him with the bill!

Yikes, i think it is mid life crisis time