*hugs hykeface* Hope you feel better soon.
How am I feeling? pretty good. Just picked up my meds today, and because of a slight cockup with my rx, I ended up with a few more oxycontin, oxynorm, tizanidine, lyrica, loprazolam, nitrazepam and chlormethiazole.
So naturally, I whipped out the micron filters, loaded a syringe with...fuck knows,, but roughly 200-250mg of oxy, and for a change, found a vein the first time, without needing to use a tourniquet, then slammed a nice, fat, juicy shot. I'm feeling nicely relaxed. I was going to go out to a couple of pharmacies and snag a few bottles of codeine linctus, but I REALLY cannot be fucked moving. I could barely be bothered to lift my fag to my mouth, sitting in my computer chair, sat on a few pillows to give my bad hip some padding, legs sprawled out on my bed, eyes almost closed, guzzling down one of the two bottles of ice-cold chocolate milk I have.
And I have a big bag of liquorice gums. I LOVE liquorice. Not started on those yet, I'm going to go sprawl out on my bed and nosh on those. Liquorice might well help out with my hip. I'm going to buy some actual liquorice root to chew on when I go to the pharmacies on monday for my codeine syrup, morphine cough mixture and if I can find it, some opium tincture. I haven't had Gee's linctus in years, and it tastes so good I could drink it, or use it in cocktails even if it was, pharmacologically speaking, utterly inactive, and devoid of any medicinal ingredient.
(believe it or not, all three of these are available over the counter without the need for a prescription. The only restriction is a maximum purchase at a time), or maybe the health-food shop..whassitcalled, holland&barrett. Always bloody price, but I need some choline tablets to go with pramiracetam for my memory. And a few big bags of liquorice root, to chew and make tea from.
Liquorice, for those who don't know, induces release of corticosteroids, and indeed, has on occasion, been noted to mask the symptoms, and delay identification of Addison's disease by boosting levels of steroids which the Addison's disease would otherwise have shut down the production thereof. I'm seeing about getting a steroid shot in my hip, but in the meantime, lots of one of my favourite treats

Could do with some lyrica, and I need to take another indomethacin cap ( NSAID).
And I have an interview with an autism researcher by the name of Alicia. I've spoken to her once already, she is doing her dissertation on auties/aspies who have taken MDMA or psilocybin mushrooms, and their experiences. Quite looking forward to it. She is a psychologist by trade, seems kind, open and warm. Interesting lady, she is NT, and whilst I am pretty much exclusively attracted to kanner's girls, aspies in a pinch, Alicia is one of those rare people that i just liked instantly. Quite a lovely lil' stunner:) 46yo on saturday, but looks like she is in her early-mid 20s.
Foxiest NT I have ever seen.