It's easy. Just buy a new home and declare all birthdays, holidays of any sort and random gift giving events completely off.
We all have all our gifts for the year! We have an amazing new home and we are grateful.
Then you don't have any shoppping to do.
Unfortunately, I got a dishwasher for my birthday. My wife got a water softener for Mother's Day.
So even working at it we can't get the wrinkles out of that plan.
Actually, I made her a fabulous meal for Mother's Day (foot massage, but that's about it unless you were watching). And my family gave me a hard core blade, a huge book I wanted, chocolates from afar, and a hoody in addition to a dishwasher for my birthday.
Good plan, but we don't seem to be able to keep to the basics of the idea.
I've already bought a huge Indian pancho, made by Navaho single moms to promote their safe place, for my daughter's birthday. (one way we give back is to buy their crafts)
It's a good plan.
But it does not work as well as it sounds like it might.