I actually don't like having emblems on my car. 
But then, I don't drive a Mercedes.
I wouldn't be able to buy a Mercedes. I acquired it from my rich brother. He lives down south. Yup you can draw a line across the UK - north, south v poor, rich.
Anyway he gave it to me when my volvo broke down, which I still have in my car cemetery at the rear of my property. He had it from new and it was mint condition. Leather interior etc. It is a 3L turbo diesel. E class. Silver. I love it. It is fast but I don't use it much as it costs a lot to run. Don't think I ever filled it up. Put fifty quid in it once and it didn't even register half full. It is old now, well it is registered on an 'S' plate, dunno how long ago that was.
I just like to burn diesel in it and do my bit for global warming.