I got a phone call from the school secretary this morning at 11am "the headmaster has asked me to get you to come to school straight away please" I asked her why but she said she didn't have any more information.
So, i drove there like a nutter thinking he has had an accident but when i got there i discovered he had been in an altercation with another child and then decided to punch 'miss' in the face when she tried to split them up.
He is so hot headed sometimes. Other times he is good as gold and a loving little boy with impeccable manners!
Anyway, he is now on a 'fixed term exclusion for 2.5 days' he thinks it's great because he doesn't want to go to school anymore as it's too boring. OH GREAT!
He gets home and has the audacity to say "mummy can you print something out for me? i want you to show me the law, and where it says that i HAVE to go to school. I NEED to see it, please"