I haven't been feeling well for a while, vomiting, nausea and the like; its a right bastard when one needs to keep controlled-release meds down.
My doc just switched me onto matrifen (transdermal fentanyl patches) though, which is good. Can't throw up what never went down in the first place

Had a keyboard failure with my computer..went out, got a new one...then put in some memory chips I got for nothing, from my old man, their being unable to fit in the new machine he got....turned it on, and it died instantly; I think it might even have fucked the motherboard.
Buggering haploid simpleton that he is, I also lent him my good lab thermometer, the IR laser ranged one, to measure some parameter or other in some or other circuit he was building, what does he do?
Push it right up against a fucking heatsink. Melted the end of it partly. He did buy me a new one though, which for the same price I paid for the original, I got a better one, with a wider range, along with more conveniently situated controls for the targeting laser and other features.
I'm part-way through dying my hair again, this time I'm first bleaching it using H2O2, then using a lightening/whitening kit on it (my natural color is dark brown, and its a bugger to make many dyes take well), after that, doing it in a two-tone design, half electric blue, and half a darker blue.
Only went and got some of the fucking peroxide in my eye didn't I. That was NOT bloody fun. My eyeballs feel like they just had their eyelids peeled off with a rusty butter knife and replaced by wads of nettle leaves right now.
I do have some drops for it though, two kinds, fusidic acid for the irritation, and a chloramphenicol ocular solution; although I am not going to use any of the latter, I don't think any antibiotics are needed given the quite certain nature of the problem; they shouldn't be used indiscriminately, and also, the product uses an organomercury derivative as a preservative...I wouldn't want to..catch that awful, baby-stealing, soul-eating autism stuff

And not to mention, I am due to have bloodwork done to look for heavy metal poisoning, and whilst I'm sure the quantity I might absorb is likely minimal, I wouldn't want to throw the tests, as mercury is amongst the metals I asked my doc to refer me for tests on.