I know what you mean MK, about having one's property rummaged through, its a violation of your personal territory. Even if it isn't done by somebody hostile, such as a thief or pig etc. it still feels plain WRONG all over. I felt that way after paramedics came to the house, after I had a seizure, and had taken things and moved them about.
I'm not one of those classical auties that ever enjoyed lining things up as a stim (worse luck), so I'm not especially particular about where things are in my room just as long as its me, or a friend who put them there. I don't appreciate people fucking around with my stuff.
The lab is different in that respect. I'd be pissed if anybody else went in there without being invited. Friends could get hurt if they were to piss around with all kinds of things in there, or if I was raided by the bacon etc. They are absolutely guaranteed to do something fucking stupid. Hopefully hurt, or better yet, cripple themselves, but it would be such a waste of for instance, conc. sulfuric acid just to have some filthy swine spill it down themselves...immensely satisfying yes, but then I'd have to buy more

What does 'YTD' stand for miss K?