My beard is mostly grey. What's there to worry about?
Graying men are considered distinguished-looking. Graying women are just old. 
Not so fast there, punkin'head!
I am married (over my wouldbe social calling, mind you) to an absolutely beautiful woman who has completely grey hair. If I was still half a man, I would ravage her daily. She accepts that I am not as good as I ONCE was, but seems to rejoice in the fact that I am better ONCE than I ever was younger.
I am a lucky man. I have a wonderful soul surviving mate, who still accepts ME as an old man, approaching decrepitude in spades.
Do NOT disparage a fine woman for having gained wealth, wisdom and maturity just because gray hair comes with the package.
First hand, I can tell you that "some" graying women are fucking awesome to know and even more so to behold!