I have found out why the massive pain in my hip has not gone away, even after having a total hip joint replacement, almost a year ago.
My "New" Orthopedic (sorry, I tried to spell as if I was speaking English, but my spellcheck goes nuts) specialist has offered me another option.
It seems that the last surgeon did not take enough of the old bone away and some of my old fractures (Yes, he pointed out that I had fractured my hip joint seven times and kept on walking on it with no chance for it to heal) are still affecting my recovery. On 2013/01/15 I am going back under the knife to AGAIN replace parts of my upper femur.
I have a great deal more confidence in this new doc than I had in the last two. He and his staff actually took eight X-rays of my lower back, hip and pelvis to get a more accurate concept of what was needed to get me going.
In the mean time, I am to learn to use a cane as I was instructed. Also, I am to get off of my pain meds, before the surgery. (Tall Call!!)
SO, a Bitch and a WOW!!