Hips are hurting bad enough to think about visiting the GP.
But, since his answer probably will be that it is all stress induced, or that it will pass, once the kids are fully grown, I refrain from calling him.
First time I went to see this GP about it, was when the oldest was a couple of months old. He told me all my hip problems would be gone when the kids were grown up. Answered him: "Had I known that, I would have started with kids so much sooner, this has been bothering me since I am 13." He did not get what I meant.....
He sucks when it comes to hips with all people, and, the other GP apparently isn't any better. My neighbour got a referral for a hip replacement by a doctor at work, the ones here never saw that her pains had to do with serious hip-problems.
Guess calling the physiotherapist will be a better idea, for me.