Fed up of seizures, muscle cramps, myoclonus, and the constant,agonizing pain in my hip. It feels as though somebody is driving rusty, white-hot screws into my hip joint, using a hammer.
Other bitch-my GPs won't up my pain meds to account for tolerance, or even to cover sufficient analgesia.
Got a first appt. with a specialist pain management clinic though. Hopefully they won't be too conservative, stingy, or up tight about giving enough strong opioids to actually leave me without pain.
Some fucker took me off the instant release oxy I used to get along with my OC, just because he found out I was an IV user. Although he knew I wasn't abusing my meds, but he freaked when he saw a fresh IV track from using (4-methoxyphenyl)-cyclohexylpiperidine, Even though I told him I quit using entirely, and he has now left the practise, retired I think, I'm having a shitload of trouble getting back on the oxynorm, because all my docs want me to wait 2 weeks until I've seen the pain clinic. Even though I already have been on the IR oxy.
Its fucking frustrating, I'm in so much pain here it keeps me awake for a week straight sometimes. Constant, searing bastard agony.
And my memory issues (no, not connected with use of NMDA antagonists, present long before I ever used any, other than nitrous oxide for dental work, or the odd box of whippits. Tried ketamine twice, over a few years, but thats it)
I've been referred to a memory specialist twice, but all they did was test memory function, then tell me that regardless of the results, they weren't going to do anything.
Just got referred to a psychiatrist though, odd choice of professional, but its the only option other than that memory clinic.
I hope they will do something. I KNOW that there are meds available in this country that can be used for memory loss, mainly in alzheimer's or dementia. Galantamine, a cholinesterase inhibitor, basically a pharmaceutical nerve agent, but it works. I've tried it, bought some myself, did 2 month long courses, but it is so expensive, I simply can't afford it.
Worked really well, no side effects or anything. But they won't give it me, apparently the organization 'NICE' basically banned use on funding grounds. Costs the NHS less than a pound a day or so I'm told. But no. Apparently letting alzheimer's, or dementia patients, or those with severe memory loss have more time before becoming a mindless, suffering, incontinent vegetable is not value for money.