Insect bite. Its formed an abscess. Which fucking hurts like hell. Although it appears to be responding (or starting to) the erythromycin. And at least I was given my pain meds early, by my doc, along with all my other meds. Gives me a few days to be able to increase the dose, and shoot the buggers rather than take per os. Right now, I could do with all the pain relief I can get.
I am just glad it wasn't dental. Dental abscesses are THE worst thing ever. Had one twice, once a year or two ago, and once as a little kid (and does anybody listen to a kid when he recognizes the beginning of a severe allergic rxn to penicillins? do they fuck.)
You are always cranky skyblue

And as for subcut shots/IM....uggh. No thanks. I hate IM anything. Although sterile solutions of dissociatives are about the only things I am willing to IM, although I prefer the IV route for the likes of methoxetamine, 4-methoxy-PCP, 3-MeO-PCP etc. Subcut injections hurt, and are a bad idea in general.
As for infection control in that dept, I always use a fresh rig, needle and micron filter. Only time I reuse the works, is if I am preparing a larger volume than will fit in a single syringe for immediate use then and there. Thats just sticking the needle back in, and not a risk factor. And swab the area with isopropanol first.
Sometimes dab a little topical antibiotic ointment on the IV site, or better, tea tree oil. Great stuff in general, as an antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal etc.
My other doc, the one I saw yesterday just assumed I'd fucked up a shot, and was pretty rude about it, especially with a trainee in the room to learn the trade.
Quick bitch for the day? I was measuring out some anhydrous isopropanol earlier, using a syringe to avoid contamination with atmospheric H2O vapor...and pushed the plunger too fast, creating an overpressure, and firing the needle off the end like a miniature speargun, missed me thankfully, but I got a blast of IPA right in the eye, which stung like hell. I've had far worse accidents, but that wasn't a pleasant experience.