Hope that gets better odeon.
I had a bastard of a headache earlier, the kind that feels like its trying to dig a trench in the back of one's neck and set it ablaze. That responded to 2x80mg of oxycontin, 40 via IM and 40 via IV, as well as an induced adrenal blockade, though.
I'm not at all prone to migraines, but very occasionally one will happen. I'm just glad that mine, when I do get one, respond to conventional painkillers, rather than needing triptans/ergotamine etc (although the latter does make for a lovely LSx precursor

I feel bad for my dear stalker, she has had week-long ones before, gets terrible, incapacitating migraines. I've never had one that bad, although I would sooner it fall upon me than on her, were I given the choice. She had an awful run in with serotonin syndrome thanks to an unforseen interaction between a triptan migraine reliever and an SSRI, she thought her number just came up that night. And she is NOT a girl who scares easily, nor the type to be intimidated and back down (not that I've ever tried, but of course, I would want nothing in this world less) I just wish that i had been close enough to have helped treat it when it happened, as she was left immobile on a bathroom floor, unable to go for help, and I could have reversed it had I been on the same continent when it happened
