I really have no motivation at all to go to work and try my best. That part seems to have died and whenever I think about work, I get angry.
Time to take the headhunters more seriously?
Getting angry, even when just thinking about work is never a good thing.
Yes, it's time. I hate the fact that it has come to this.
It is horrible. But, the alternative is a lot worse. Have once let it go on way too long, and, once you accept more than is acceptable, it gets harder and harder to get out. Am now watching my brother going down. It is not a pretty sight. I hope he manages to get away, before he gets seriously ill.
Problem is, I get personally involved. I'm proud of what I've achieved and think ours is a really good product. It's done *right* and it bothers me to leave it.
At the same time a voice in my head whispers "go on, you know you want to, let's see THEM try to support it".
They are alienating everyone, right now. Since the 12-yo was hired a little less than a year ago, more than half a dozen people have decided to leave. Four of these are what I'd have labelled as "key developers" and, apart from me, only one developer who was there when we drew the basic architecture is still with us.
And he is young and will move as soon as he gets an offer he likes. I'm pretty sure he's been to several interviews lately.
Not a quick bitch at all, this one.