^ Ah, thanks for the advice. Probiotics.. makes sense. Luckily I read your post before I went to the supermarket.. can now see what 'they' have on offer.
*does a bit of i-searching*
Well, I'm not stupid (um, okay, I am/¼).. but I made meself some 'probiotica' broth already. Eat extra fruit and 'up-ed' the intake of e.g. the Alliaceae family. Cold water with the juice of half a lemon through it.. that sort of actions.
Shitty thing with diarrhoea (
) one tends to 'lose' those vital components present in the food too fast. It even isn't helpful for the effect or usefulness of said antibiotics. (um, that's a lousy sentence)
Oh well.. luctor et emergo, I'm sure.