I know what you mean bodie. I am absolutely convinced that this little jesus-fucker is either meadow's grandmother, or the runt of a litter of cerberi. (I assume that is indeed the plural tense of 'Cerberus'

One would think the name 'rosie' would go with a sweet, well behaved little angel of a dog...but no. Far, far, FAR from it. This one is straight from the vilest, most noxious pit in Tartarus.
As you can imagine I bet, I am a cat person through and through, cats are quiet, and one has to EARN a cat's companionship, dogs are too servile, and will often fawn all over their human...dogs have masters, whereas cats have staff

I miss my cat, padfoot. He turned up on my doorstep, soaked to the skin, cold, hungry , thin and miserable looking. And would I ever turn down an animal in need? Would I crowbegotten fucking bollocks. Had him for ages, until some piece of feculent, reeking, flyblown muslim-feces ran him over in a car, poor devil managed to crawl off into a garden, only to be torn apart by a fox.
I still almost see him when I go downstairs in the early morning to get food/go get a drink/go for a piss etc. Used to curl up on my lap, purring like a vacuum pump engine, half asleep, only waking up more if he decided that he wanted to be fussed over more. Lol, padfoot pretty much had free reign over the entire house. The only two places he wasn't welcome were the bogs when I was answering the call of nature, and the lab. For obvious reasons the latter for obvious reasons. Him opening say, a big bottle of fuming sulfuric acid, or worse still, the LiAlH4 (powerful reducing agent, its pyrophoric, moisture sensitive and air/oxygen sensitive. I store it in the container it came in, wrapped tightly in cling film, then that in a screw-top glass jar filled with dry argon.) Wouldn't be pretty if that got loose amidst oh....10 liters of methanol, a whole bunch of light naptha, THF (similar to ether, highly volatile, low flash point and bloody well flammable), dichloromethane (similar to chloroform, used a lot in paint stripper. Very non-flammable, but when its forced to decompose in heat, the result is phosgene (C=OCl2, an old-fashioned military war gas, of the WWI/WWII era), plenty of methylated spirits for cleaning glass, isopropanol etc.
And thats just the solvents, once the reagents, stuff like finely divided metal powders get going, not going to be pleasant

I do keep a fire extinguisher around very close to hand, just round the corner in my old man's bedroom, but still...