Rapidly disintegrating into a bitchy, horrible mood. Need to find something happy.
Oh, just lop off a few heads and hang a few miscreants.............you'll feel better in the morning. 
Tried to lop off the head of an opossum tonight. Damn thing was behind the washing machine.
Yikes, were you startled? I would have jumped screaming toward the ceiling! 
Nope, not totally startled. I knew something had been eating the cat's food. And a few months ago I saw what I thought was a racoon walking across the patio to the laundry shed. But couldn't understand if it was a racoon eating the cat's food, then why wasn't it washing it in the water bowl. Anyway, I saw the tail first so I knew something was eating, but I thought it was a very ill cat because the tail was so puny.
Solution is to feed the cat only in the daylight hours.