
Author Topic: Just one quick bitch, part two  (Read 352235 times)

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #1230 on: October 24, 2011, 08:28:46 AM »
Had a meeting with a client that showed just how little they understand of what I've tried to explain to them time and again.

That's aggravating

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #1231 on: October 24, 2011, 08:30:49 AM »
Had a meeting with a client that showed just how little they understand of what I've tried to explain to them time and again.

That's aggravating

Yup. I'm frustrated as hell.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein


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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #1232 on: October 24, 2011, 10:43:34 AM »
The ex sent a letter via lawyer that he has concerns about my level of care of monkeyboy and he will not move out until the level of care has been satisfied to his liking. This is about to get ugly.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #1233 on: October 24, 2011, 02:05:15 PM »
The ex sent a letter via lawyer that he has concerns about my level of care of monkeyboy and he will not move out until the level of care has been satisfied to his liking. This is about to get ugly.

I think that you have been too accomodating of him and his wishes so far, so good luck.


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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #1234 on: October 24, 2011, 02:09:00 PM »
The ex sent a letter via lawyer that he has concerns about my level of care of monkeyboy and he will not move out until the level of care has been satisfied to his liking. This is about to get ugly.

I think that you have been too accomodating of him and his wishes so far, so good luck.
Actually, I've been following all the of steps that I have to go through in my province before I'm allowed to make an application for court. It's not as straight forward here.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #1235 on: October 24, 2011, 02:12:36 PM »
The ex sent a letter via lawyer that he has concerns about my level of care of monkeyboy and he will not move out until the level of care has been satisfied to his liking. This is about to get ugly.

I think that you have been too accomodating of him and his wishes so far, so good luck.
Actually, I've been following all the of steps that I have to go through in my province before I'm allowed to make an application for court. It's not as straight forward here.

It sounds like a terrible nightmare to me.  I thought that Louisiana's divorce laws were awful, but yours are worse.  Now that you know that DB intends to paint you as a neglectful mother, is there anything you can do to preempt that?


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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #1236 on: October 24, 2011, 02:30:55 PM »
The ex sent a letter via lawyer that he has concerns about my level of care of monkeyboy and he will not move out until the level of care has been satisfied to his liking. This is about to get ugly.

I think that you have been too accomodating of him and his wishes so far, so good luck.
Actually, I've been following all the of steps that I have to go through in my province before I'm allowed to make an application for court. It's not as straight forward here.

It sounds like a terrible nightmare to me.  I thought that Louisiana's divorce laws were awful, but yours are worse.  Now that you know that DB intends to paint you as a neglectful mother, is there anything you can do to preempt that?
He doesn't have any merit to it. His biggest concern is Monkeyboys education but he demanded an education assessment, which monkeyboy took and passed for grade 7, so that already satifies the parenting agreement and the concern that he's learning nothing. He's not due to take one again for 2 years (we agreed that he would take one every other year) and I have so many people that could vouch for my parenting skills. especially monkeyboys family doctor and autism specialist as well so if he really tries to push it, I have professionals that would be more than happy to step in on my behalf and back me up.

It's just taking it to a whole level of dirty play. Waiting to hear back from my lawyer about our next step.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #1237 on: October 24, 2011, 02:49:42 PM »
The ex sent a letter via lawyer that he has concerns about my level of care of monkeyboy and he will not move out until the level of care has been satisfied to his liking. This is about to get ugly.

I think that you have been too accomodating of him and his wishes so far, so good luck.
Actually, I've been following all the of steps that I have to go through in my province before I'm allowed to make an application for court. It's not as straight forward here.

It sounds like a terrible nightmare to me.  I thought that Louisiana's divorce laws were awful, but yours are worse.  Now that you know that DB intends to paint you as a neglectful mother, is there anything you can do to preempt that?
He doesn't have any merit to it. His biggest concern is Monkeyboys education but he demanded an education assessment, which monkeyboy took and passed for grade 7, so that already satifies the parenting agreement and the concern that he's learning nothing. He's not due to take one again for 2 years (we agreed that he would take one every other year) and I have so many people that could vouch for my parenting skills. especially monkeyboys family doctor and autism specialist as well so if he really tries to push it, I have professionals that would be more than happy to step in on my behalf and back me up.

It's just taking it to a whole level of dirty play. Waiting to hear back from my lawyer about our next step.

I know that his complaint doesn't have any merit, but I hoped that there was something you could do to preempt him from taking the divorce to the new level of dirty play.  I hope that your lawyer has some ideas.

If not, then I would think he would be the more vulnerable one if you ever decided to play dirty like him.  He comes across as a big control freak and it seems to me that he tries to smother Monkeygirl.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #1238 on: October 24, 2011, 02:56:26 PM »
He sounds like a right twit.   Is he trying to
do his best to keep you all together because
he hopes somewhere down the line you
will want him again?

Has he got a new girlfriend or anything,  if
not maybe should try find him one?,  LOL.

blah blah blah

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #1239 on: October 24, 2011, 03:08:26 PM »
"I am still trying to learn to mind my own business...I was walking past a neighbors privacy fence and kept hearing him repeat "13...13...13" ..I could not see over the fence so I looked through a gap in the fence, he poked me in the eye with a stick and started repeating "14...14...14"... "



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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #1240 on: October 24, 2011, 03:10:18 PM »
He sounds like a right twit.   Is he trying to
do his best to keep you all together because
he hopes somewhere down the line you
will want him again?

Has he got a new girlfriend or anything,  if
not maybe should try find him one?,  LOL.

God I wish he did!! I'd throw a party. Maybe if he got laid, he'd leave. :laugh: I highly suspect he will spend his life either alone or it will be a very long time before he dates. He's had three gf's his whole life (including me) and that's from the age of 14-41. He's just not a guy that dates. He prefers work to be his mistress.

I don't think he wants me, I think he wants to "win" and that means to make me pay in some form or another for leaving him. I ruined his image because I killed the vision of the big happy family. I didn't want the massive house and the hired staff and whatnot. I'm much more simpler in what makes me happy. So he doesn't want to share his pennies because I took away his dream.

Callaway ~ He wants to make another attempt at mediation and he has outlined what he's willing to work on. That may be the final olive branch I'm willing to extend. If I do that, and he walks away like he did last time, then when it goes to court it will be well documented that we truly "Exhausted all avenues and attempts to mediate." which is a requirement before starting court proceedings. I don't know. Still waiting to talk to the lawyer. The one thing I like about our mediator is that he's constantly on the ex to move forward and he advocates well for me. I truly do like him.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #1241 on: October 24, 2011, 04:08:54 PM »
@ Celticgoddess

So he won't move out,  even though you split up with him?  Must
be very draining.

I had to live with someone after we broke up,  but we had no kids
and it was only for a few weeks while the house got sold.  It still
pissed me off no end.  I used to move his stuff around when he
wasn't looking,  just really silly stuff like putting his deodorant in
the garage,  or adding extra ingredients if he was cooking something :angel:
switching his phone off and putting it in one of his pockets of
something he wasn't wearing that day.    Very childish i know
but oh so satisfying to hear him frantically searching for his stuff.  If we
were actually talking he might say "seen my phone?  can you try ringing
it for me?"  Oh yes, i would be so helpful and ring it for him. >:D

My situation was not nearly as stressful as yours must be.  Sometimes
i would get so fed up with him invading my life (that was how it felt) that
i would get my best friend to stay in my room with me...that led to him
accusing me of being 'gay' -  i wasn't,  but it was fun to make no acknowledgement
either way.

I hope you have devised a few coping strategies,  because it can be
very daunting. :viking:
blah blah blah


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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #1242 on: October 24, 2011, 04:15:34 PM »
You're bad. I love it! :laugh: Yes, I ended the marriage in June 2009 and we're still in the same house. One very long legal process with lots of stalling on his end. I'm sure it's way more unhealthy and awful than I realize as this has been my normal since before I even ended the marriage. But legally I'm doing everything that is asked of me and I've been good about taking care of myself (went through therapy, have a great group of friends who look out for me, get out of the house to do my own thing every week etc) so I'm managing to get through it but I think he's slowly unraveling. All his own undoing. Something inside of me says my kids and myself, we'll be okay I just have to get through this. :)

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #1243 on: October 24, 2011, 04:24:26 PM »
You're bad. I love it! :laugh: Yes, I ended the marriage in June 2009 and we're still in the same house. One very long legal process with lots of stalling on his end. I'm sure it's way more unhealthy and awful than I realize as this has been my normal since before I even ended the marriage. But legally I'm doing everything that is asked of me and I've been good about taking care of myself (went through therapy, have a great group of friends who look out for me, get out of the house to do my own thing every week etc) so I'm managing to get through it but I think he's slowly unraveling. All his own undoing. Something inside of me says my kids and myself, we'll be okay I just have to get through this. :)
June 2009!!! :zombiefuck:  Sounds like you are doing an excellent job of distancing yourself from him despite living in close quarters.  Yes,  yes,  just keep thinking
of the end result - you and your kids.   Well done for maintaining your sanity :thumbup:
blah blah blah


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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #1244 on: October 24, 2011, 05:03:56 PM »
You're bad. I love it! :laugh: Yes, I ended the marriage in June 2009 and we're still in the same house. One very long legal process with lots of stalling on his end. I'm sure it's way more unhealthy and awful than I realize as this has been my normal since before I even ended the marriage. But legally I'm doing everything that is asked of me and I've been good about taking care of myself (went through therapy, have a great group of friends who look out for me, get out of the house to do my own thing every week etc) so I'm managing to get through it but I think he's slowly unraveling. All his own undoing. Something inside of me says my kids and myself, we'll be okay I just have to get through this. :)

Good luck and it looks like he's digging himself deeper and deeper into the shithole.   Hopefully it will end soon for you to get on with your life!  You deserve it.