I used to drive just for the sake of driving all of the time.
The places you find and the things you stumble across when you dare to wander the roads never taken.
I REALLY miss doing that.
Now I can't afford the gas...and it's a choice of the RAV4 that wanders like a drunk down the road with every idiot light on, no 4 wheel drive and a
taped driver's window...or the loud as fuck (I don't know what he did to it, and I'm sure I don't want pulled over by some out of town cop to find out) Cadillac...the risk of getting stranded somewhere in both of them is 75%.
Currently driving the V8, fuel slurping, loud as fuck option 2...because...loud as fuck, and even at 230,000+ it's no slacker.
It's also just too hard on gas for him to go back and forth to work in, and I have a little more self control with the gas pedal. So I go to the store and back, post office...but that's about it now.
I miss having my own vehicle, with just me driving it. Where I keep track of maintenance, one that I'm not cleaning out every week because it smells like I've got a dead body in the trunk, and without every button, lever, and feature either broken, zip tied, super glued, or duct taped.
He is ADHD, Bi-polar...I know the struggle is real, I can mop up the messes...I'm just OCD when it comes to cars, I do not like sharing a vehicle, never have.