Across the street the other direction is a mom and young teen who lost their husband/father/breadwinner a few years back. It was set up by Habitat For Humanity for this family. They are not bad off. She is managing, but while she was planning to "get things done" and improve their situation, all this Eminent Domain crap came up.
We had barely met a while back, when I offered her kid some of my old photography props, every kind of ball there is (real NBA, MLB and NFL balls I used to use as photo props) and the kid said, "Nah, I have lots of balls." His mom and I shared a glanced, both almost bursting out laughing and that early identification between us has not gone away after several years. We just accelerated getting to know each other at that moment, it seems.
I know they are in the same limbo boat that we are in. Nothing we can do.