Plumbing problems are bitch-worthy.
Went in (FINALLY!!) for my bloodwork and doctor check up. About a year out of date, but have to consider, I was "DUE" for bloodwork last May. It did not happen.
Today, it happened, finally.
From what my doctor said this morning, I should have been in bed while all this plumbing shit was going on. I knew I was a little under the weather, but Covid?.
The definitive testing will not be ready until about two weeks, but the in-office screen already identified two strains of Covid antibodies in my blood.
Honestly, I thought I had a
light cold and was almost over it. First one in almost two years. I've been MUCH more ill with a cold, not to mention bouts with feverish flus at times, so if THAT bit was a Covid infection, I handled it and would not have known, except that we ONLY talk about Covid these days to the doctor.
So it seems. I had three pages of questions to fill out upon entry to the group doctors' offices, where I've been a patient for over twenty years.
I lost thirty pounds since last check up, two years ago. And the doc is lowering my dosage of Blood Pressure meds. Still need the one that keeps my heart from going tachy and pounding a couple of times every few minutes. Doc says that shit is dangerous and MUST be controlled. OK.
Great meet up, but the fun will be the results of all the testing they are yet to complete. I am high risk for Type 2 Diabetes, thyroid difficulties of many sorts, colon cancers and I still smoke my pipe, so just imagine what other horrors my doctor has to navigate just to cover her ass (which, btw, I wouldn't mind if she kept it uncovered in my presence, but that has to do with other health concerns which do not yet seem to be a concern at this time).