
Author Topic: Just one quick bitch, part two  (Read 255185 times)

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #14355 on: August 24, 2018, 09:16:23 PM »
Sorry to hear about your sister, Ren.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #14356 on: August 24, 2018, 09:27:17 PM »
Found out today that my sister has thyroid cancer. She finds out more next week but at the very least she'll have to have surgery. :(

That's shit news Ren. I was sorry to see this.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #14357 on: August 24, 2018, 10:01:22 PM »
Hope for the best Ren and be ready to hit it hard and fast if necessary, as unpleasant as the treatment is in the short term.
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #14358 on: August 24, 2018, 11:10:05 PM »
Thanks all.  :hug:  Half of my family are helping out on my sister's farm this weekend, cleaning it up for future sale. I hope she gets heaps for it so she doesn't have to worry about money for a while.
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #14359 on: August 27, 2018, 12:32:40 AM »
I hate phone calls and I hate waiting for phone calls.
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #14360 on: August 27, 2018, 05:59:50 AM »
I hope for the best for your sis, renster. Hope any chemo or radiotherapy she needs is of the most benign type around, at least with thyroid chancer the odds are fairly good and it can be targeted fairly easily with radio-iodine. I hope she doesn't end up finding herself in the middle of a godawful puke-fest. Pain, I can take, but there is just something viscerally nasty about nausea, if its only physical pain, I can push myself, at least to a point, by telling myself that it will end, all pain comes to an end of its own accord, you either make it, or you don't, and either way, you aren't in pain anymore.  But sickness is something I've never dealt well with at all.

I've just had to put up with the most arse over tit pack of incompetent bungling toerags of medical staff myself. At least, trying to get help was rotten, they have a non-emergency number, 111, for cases that don't require an ambulance, so, I went and tried to save there from being a need for paramedics to use their valuable time, where people could find themselves in a situation that really is walking a fine line between life and death, and I get told that an out of hours GP appointment is needed. Find myself on the fucking beller for all sodding night long waiting for them to call back, until I decide fuck it, I've had enough, and that the problem is only going to worsen with time, such as being off my seizure meds, it'll only cause a physical withdrawal, which will progressively worsen, etc. etc. and that would be downright unpleasant at best, I got told 'you need to make an out of hours appt' 'we are making an appt for you' 'an appointment has BEEN made for you' (it hadn't) and you just need to wait until it is time, ending up being arsed about until  I had lost all patience with them, and rang back, at which point things had gotten worse to the point where the twerp on the other end of the phone feels like it is his duty to show a bit of honour and make it clear that in deciding whether or not I needed an appointment, he was now going to oh, only put me through to someone with medical training, telling me he didn't know a thing about medicine himself, and was just pushing buttons and inputting data.

And when I finally do speak to someone who DOES have medical knowledge they promptly decide that I needed them to send out a paramedic crew asap!. They on the other hands, i can't speak more than too highly of the two paramedics who did attend on me,  they even went out of their way to make sure that the out of hours medics would be expecting me, and that I got a quick appointment, they were professional, kind, decent people. no standoffishness or acting like gobshites for their being a controlled drug needed (what wasn't helping things, is that I had no idea it was a bank holiday monday this monday, and while the surgery I get my meds rx'd from almost always rings me up a few days in advance to tell me I need to pick up the rx slips the friday prior. Didn't bother or remember this time on their part though, and I knew nothing about it being a bank holiday though until sunday, and late sunday, where everything and everyone is closed, even the late night pharmacy round here.)

So I've just got back home, cost me about 60 quid in cab fare there and back, to the hospital, been barfing my insides, outside all sodding night, JUST got my rx meds, or at least, sufficient to last me until tomorrow. Why not just write the damn things all up and save time I don't know, so all that effort, for in the case of one of the meds, just two tablets, seems a lot more fuckabout than its worth. Certainly I'd rather not have to spent about 5-6 hours perched on a metal slab of a chair that is several inches too short for my arse just for the sake of a very small number of each of the meds dosage units, a doctor who gives me grief for requesting him specify that one of the meds be dispensed in a glass bottle (its a very, very oldfashioned medication, next to nobody uses it, those who do generally only script it as a 'drug of last resort' (chlormethiazole, if you were wondering which) and because nobody really uses it these days, people aren't well up on its characteristics, quite BECAUSE nobody uses it, nobody gets to be familiar with it as a consequence. And what very rarely do doctors have any awareness of, is the fact that it eats plastic. It's like pouring acetone onto polystyrene foam, it just melts it a red hot knife being plunged into butter or a box of lit matches being thrown into a tub full of phosphorus. The doctor had a go at me for requesting a glass bottle be specified, because he seemed fairly young, and that it'd just not be a med of his generation's having much familiarity with it, I didn't say that to him, mind you, just asked that it be glass, and explained why.  And to be fair to me, it IS mandatory for the stuff, you can't expose plastics to it, teflon and the like, yeah, but most plastics just melt. Not really unfair thing to ask is it? that the physical requirements for handling the material are met on my behalf? he just went off about how he can't change the drug, he can't do this, won't do that, blah blah blah, when I wasn't even ASKING him to change the type of drug or dosage, only to make sure it is shipped correctly, there isn't an option even available to change capsule dosages, there IS only one capsule dosage unit manufactured, theres a syrup, and there is capsules, thats your lot, comes as liquid, comes as capsules, like it or lump it, because thats what you are getting if you are to use the drug at all, there is no option 'C', at least not unless you wish to prepare it yourself, starting from vitamin B1, a not particularly difficult process, although one that does require scrupulous cleaning of an intermediate compound, because it is highly poisonous, being a powerful convulsant neurotoxin. Which needless to say, one doesn't really want as something that might slip itself into the batch of anti-convulsant medication one is making at the time, for obvious reasons!

And this doctor, I went, after bringing old boxes of empty meds that had been refilled  recently with me as evidence of the scripts etc. actually had the nerve to tell me he wants me to stick my hands in his bin, and start grubbing around for a wet, soggy, slippery mess of a bloody cardboard carton, because it had my name and DOB on it! Who the fuck thinks ferreting around in a can of medical garbage is a good thing for someone to do in the first place I do not know, and to tell a patient to go pick through their clinical garbage, what the fuck!

All so I could have him fuck about with my being given a couple of doses, sufficient for only today, when I'm actually due for the refill itself today anyway...

Some days I REALLY wish I had a deep, spike-sided pit full of hungry alligators.....
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #14361 on: August 27, 2018, 07:14:14 AM »
Thanks Lestat. I'll probably know more as the week progresses. My mum is going back into hospital for a few days as she's having a lot of trouble with her new knee and her sciatic nerve in the same leg.

You're right about paramedics. Every one I've interacted with has been kind and decent to me.
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #14362 on: August 27, 2018, 08:08:47 AM »
I've come up against plenty of doctors which were stuck up, rude arrogant arseholes, and/or brainless incompetents. Both GPs and hospital doctors, as well as nurses who couldn't even be bothered to give me food for days, never mind make sure I receive the same daily medication I am meant to be taking in hospital that I take outside of hospital, and couldn't give a toss that I end up going into more and more and more severe degrees of withdrawal from pain meds, and antiseizure meds the longer they prolong my misery, telling me 'oh we'll have it sorted in 20 minutes', when in fact they don't bother 'sorting' it at all, not just a one off either, its happened more times than it hasn't happened, if I've been in hospital.
Even caught one nurse sneaking around thinking she could go through my backpack of property while I was asleep and not have me rouse because she was dumb enough to try to get the drop on a spazz sneaking up on them whilst asleep.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #14363 on: August 28, 2018, 04:44:04 AM »
Just found out that a Buchner funnel, the pricier kind that has a ground glass joint (like most of my lab kit, its in 24/40) rather than using a rubber collar to neck it down so that it fits in a filter flask with a sidearm for the vacuum line connection, it'd been plugged up by a big solid block of paracetamol, after I forgot to wash it out when it was damp thick paste, that I could have just held under the tap, and it'd solidified quickly during the recent heatwave.

So I got a plastic bucket and filled it with hot water, dunked the Buchner funnel in it and left it to soak. I did NOT expect it to separate into two parts, the lower being the bit with the 24/40 male fitting, and the vacuum takeoff, with the frit bonded to it by however it is that they do such things, its as if the two had been stuck together by water based PVA glue, the part with the frit, and the collar, that keeps whatever it is being filtered inside, and makes it a funnel, as opposed to a flat platform with a vacuum takeoff and a joint, they just separated, came apart into two neatly fitted pieces. Just from a prolonged soak in water.

Those things are meant to be able to be dunked in searing hot dichromate in concentrated sulfuric acid, for roasting the crap out of organic materials. aka a chromic acid bath, meant for cleaning stubborn glassware items after they have already been pre-cleaned thoroughly, to get out discolorations, etc., when there is as little organic matter as possible, due to the aggressive oxidizing nature of chromic acid cleaning solution, as an alternative to using piranha acid or base baths (hydrogen peroxide in strong sulfuric acid, and H2O2/caustic potash (KOH,  potassium hydroxide, sometimes called base-piranha, but I don't like using it, because it strips a little off the surface of the glass every time its used, so base piranha is a last resort, when the other option would be the bin. And both piranha acid [forming peroxymonosulfuric acid in-situ] and base piranha are dangerous to make, dangerous to use and dangerous to handle, as well as being corrosive as blazes, and of course needing the most stringent caution, due to its hydrogen peroxide based nature in both acidic and basic incarnations.

Buchner funnels with glass frits are meant to be able to withstand treatment with pr filtration of liquids or solids  with liquid impurities present under vacuum with the nastiest, most corrosive and oxidizing materials going. Anything but hydrofluoric acid and other fluorinated unpleasantries, prolonged exposure to hot, highly concentrated phosphoric acid, which etches glass, or alkali metal hydroxides, where very hot an concentrated. For it to come apart with WATER, and just soaking, is nothing short of shocking.

Now I need to buy another Buchner, as well as build a power supply to electrolyze water at a respectable rate, and after bubbling through water with metal mesh screens above, to serve as a flash arrestor, the electrodes for positive and negative terminals being separated, and finally, recombination of the oxygen and hydrogen gases in a thin tube, under pressure, with something like a quartz, or perhaps tungsten carbide, or other ceramic material for a tip, with a fine pinhole end to it, lit to generate an intense, oxygen-hydrogen flame with great heat, and pinpoint accuracy, so I can try and fuse the glass back together.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #14364 on: August 28, 2018, 05:23:29 AM »
Hope your next Buchner funnel is more reliable. :)
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #14365 on: August 28, 2018, 02:19:19 PM »
Very hot and humid today
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #14366 on: August 29, 2018, 12:24:02 AM »
My sister's doctor is trying to fast track her for surgery. That's all my sister told me. Of course I'd like to know more but I didn't want to push my sister too much. I don't even have her phone number. I contacted her through Facebook Messenger.
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #14367 on: August 29, 2018, 09:11:21 AM »

Not sure if this is an actual "bitch" or not, but while goofing around with moving some land, next to where my mom lives in west Texas, my uncle uncovered some bones, called the sheriff, then a university professor and another, then another and they turned out to be human remains from long ago.

My uncle was trying to dig a small tributary off the main creek on his land to divert water toward his pond he uses to water his peach orchard, when he started to dig up bones.
Latest is that he may have uncovered an Indian burial ground from several hundred years ago.

Now, they have all these tents set up down by the creek and people coming and going at all hours, digging shit up with paint brushes and sifting though every grain of clay, looking for who knows what. They have uncovered a leather bag, dozens of spear points, and a knifey looking thing made from local flint rock in just a couple of weeks.

As I said, not sure if I am bitchin' or just scratching my head. This might be cool or it could also turn into a major pain in the ass.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #14368 on: August 29, 2018, 09:15:27 AM »

Not sure if this is an actual "bitch" or not, but while goofing around with moving some land, next to where my mom lives in west Texas, my uncle uncovered some bones, called the sheriff, then a university professor and another, then another and they turned out to be human remains from long ago.

My uncle was trying to dig a small tributary off the main creek on his land to divert water toward his pond he uses to water his peach orchard, when he started to dig up bones.
Latest is that he may have uncovered an Indian burial ground from several hundred years ago.

Now, they have all these tents set up down by the creek and people coming and going at all hours, digging shit up with paint brushes and sifting though every grain of clay, looking for who knows what. They have uncovered a leather bag, dozens of spear points, and a knifey looking thing made from local flint rock in just a couple of weeks.

As I said, not sure if I am bitchin' or just scratching my head. This might be cool or it could also turn into a major pain in the ass.

Yes very cool but without a doubt  it will be a pain in the ass
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #14369 on: August 29, 2018, 09:31:02 AM »

Yes, maybe so.
It is the adjacent land, twenty acres,  to where my mom now lives (which my brother and I are set to inherit. I plan to buy him out and live there, some day. He wants NO part of west Texas. We grew up there and then moved to the far south, which he prefers).

I have talked to my mom several times after this all started and she just says as long as her well runs and her trees and veggies are happy, then it is fine if they want to dig up old dead people. I reminded her that when she was a child she used to drink from that well and "Was there any unusual biological particulate matter?"
She rarely curses, but my joke did not work.
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Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

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