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Offline sg1008

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #14055 on: June 05, 2018, 12:36:10 PM »
Dude. Actually, I think youd out perform Professor Snape. More like the cleverness of the illusive "Prince" character from the used potions book.

if the world wasnt so gridlocked into corporate ownership of information et cetera, Im pretty sure you would be as respected and famous as a great witch or alchemist, or legendary chemist who discovered the five uses of something, and the four properties of something else.

glad you got your refill!

I got my refill, plus some methadone tablets, and a few grams of H base (an 8th of brown)

So yeah I'm good.

And a coven? lol. You sorta have my style there. Jungle witch? haha. Sorta. I do have  way with esoteric herbs and fungi usages, medical, culinary, psychotropic, or all three in some cases with certain mushrooms, once a neurotoxin is destabilized in them first by heat-treatment.  And while I'd not boast about it, I admit, I do have a talent for...well....witchery of that kind :autism:

I'm just surprised nobody has compared me on here to 'professor snape' yet :heisenberg:
Can't you guys even just imagine it?

Forget practicality, or your experience....can you just....imagine?

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Offline sg1008

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #14056 on: June 05, 2018, 12:49:28 PM »
Funny story, the only reason I understand your dragons is because the HR person at my job explained it to me after an email was sent out about how I was resigning to hunt dragons in Bulgaria and Norway, and my ship was leaving soon, so I wouldnt be back at work.

I thought it was pretty funny, especially because my supervisor sent it on my behalf, then the HR person in my exit interview told me if anyone offered me anything on my way out, it would be because chasing dragons isnt quite the King Pellinore interpretation of things.

A few colleagues actually thought I was going to Bulgaria too. I thought the dragons part of the story made it clear that it was probably not occurring on this plane of existence... i mean, going to hunt dragons??? ach. i just like dragons- the serpentine ones. and bulgaria and norway have some notable dragon lore. well, no one knew about the lore i guess. lol
Can't you guys even just imagine it?

Forget practicality, or your experience....can you just....imagine?

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #14057 on: June 05, 2018, 02:05:53 PM »
Rain showers are complicating my attempts at cleaning out the shed
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

'People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.'
George Bernard Shaw

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #14058 on: June 05, 2018, 08:51:38 PM »
Actually, Sg, I think it would rather depend on the period in history. Theres plenty of them that would more likely have seen me burnt at the stake for heresy.

As for the dragon, lol....actually, the term 'chasing the dragon', means to smoke heroin off foil, by holding a small lighter flame underneath a few folded thicknesses of foil, folded into a V shape, with a portion of H placed a little from one end, and 'chasing' the blob of molten diamorphine base as it tries to escape from the heat, whilst the person doing the chasing holds a tube in their mouth,  and inhales the copious clouds of vapour.  The 'dragon' is the skittering little blob of H, and one chases it because it moves once melted, in the opposite direction from that at which the flame is positioned, and thus one needs must move the flame to keep caught up with it and keep it giving off a good quantity of vapour.

And, as for the prince, I've read the books, the 'prince' WAS snape, in his own school days, wasn't he?

As for my refills, they are done automatically, and besides, I have insurance, pain med wise, in the sense of backup resources. In fact I'm making use of the methadone, as my main pain med, I find it better compatible with the way my bodily quirks are wired up than the rx meds. The H...thats just a rare treat, decided to splash out for once, as I could get an 1/8th oz that was guaranteeable not to be contaminated with fentanyl in it.

Don't know about a famous chemist...or legendary one..that would be an overstuffed boast if I were to say such a thing. I have no claim to be so, although I do my best to contribute to the clandestine chemistry and hobbyist chemists and biotech online scenes. And, yes, not by all, but by a fair number,  and in various places and areas, I am indeed respected. I'm no genius, I just do what I do because...well...its what I DO. Its  in my blood, you might say, just something that I've known I could hear calling me since my very early childhood. Autie thing, of that much I am sure. And you know what those can be like. Autie/aspie interests, they just decide to be that way and bugger anything that would have it otherwise.

I've just always been comfortable around the roaring flame of a gas torch, the refluxing contents of a flask and condenser, distilling this that and the other, and have always liked engineering type work, so building various bits and pieces of custom equipment as and when, often disposable since my glassware wouldn't like to be ill-treated by being put into a searing hot furnace, etc., I've enjoyed taking things apart, putting them (back) together ever since I was little.

Or, on occasion just taking them apart. Such as one of my mom's flower-vases, that was taken apart with extreme prejudice as a child, when I very first experimented with electrolysis to try and produce alkali metals like sodium, potassium etc, it got lifted and spirited away to my lab, had a pair of holes drilled into it, one each side,  through which a pair of carbon electrodes torn from zinc-carbon batteries was inserted and set in place, and the ends of these were pressure-fitted to a pair of metal endcaps, containing some solder, for good contact, and the metal melted, the caps forced into place, and then the solder being permitted to cool and lock the endcaps on.

Which, and bearing in mind this was when I was only a nipper, dipping my toes in the waters of science, so the clumsiness was to be expected, having no teacher but myself, textbooks of theory and big library books full of basic information about all manner of a vast selection of chemicals, that was what I had to go on, that, experimentation, and the willingness to devote a lot of my time to such tinkering.

Anyhow, the endcaps on the graphite rods set into mother dearest's flower vase, were soldered to the live and neutral terminals of a modified rewired plug, the fuse taken out and replaced with a cast slug prepared from some lead metal I had lying about (some kids might be stupid and eat lead paint, I just had the Pb on hand as sheet and as fine shavings for experiments involving lead and lead chemistry, it came in handy as easy to melt cast to the size and shape of an electrical fuse)

Which I did, stuck it in there, filled the vase with caustic soda, then using a broom handle and wearing rubber gloves, pushed the 'on' switch for the mains current.

The result, rather than making Na I could harvest, was that the vase more or less detonated, with a tremendous thundering great bang, blasting a tidal wave of caustic soda up into the air like a volcano, if one could contrive to flush a volcano down a chemical toilet cubicle. The vase was just....well the words 'ground' and 'zero' come to mind when I think of what happened to it, along with all the house circuit breakers tripping and shutting off every electrical device in the building other than those powered only by batteries.

Tried it again, and this time with molten caustic rather than aqueous (like I said, I didn't know then, I just read about the alkali metals and knew that I was determined to make myself the possessor of them, for their multifarious (and indeed, occasionally NEFarious) uses.

Again, didn't realize that I had to rectify the current to DC, and again, mommy dearest had another flower-pot die a rather valiant, if horrifically violent death to the furtherance of my scientific learning. Another mains trip, and one whopping motherfucker of a bang, and a blast-wave of molten caustic being splattered all over the wall, at over 300 degrees 'C.

After that I switched to using a rectified power supply and a blowtorch to accomplish the heating, combined with the ohmic heating due to the integral resistance of the electrolyte. Then I started to get my first bits of sodium metal.

I have to confess though, the flower pots were fun experiments. Clumsy, child's experiments in the lab he was teaching himself to craft with, but fun nevertheless. The bang those attempted electrolytic cells made was absolutely terrific. And (from behind goggles of course), I daresay that I was always grateful to be way out of range of both the resulting shower of searing superheated caustic alkali and the shower of caustic-coated pottery shrapnel as my mom's vases and flowerpots began to disappear at intervals, very, very rarely ever to be seen again.

And then there were the likes of igniting tin cans filled with thermite compositions for my early forays into pyrometallurgical processes, liberating metals from their oxides, using more reactive metals mixed with the oxides of the metals sought (or other, nonmetallic elements, like the semimetal/metalloid, silicon), or by heating metal compounds with carbon powder to reduce them to  the metals and smelt them out. On the garden path, leaving various blobs of slag, molten metal and cracked stone slabs from the searing, intense heat given out by metallothermic redox reactions of the thermite type (the typical thermite, is aluminium powder and iron oxide, mixed together intimately, and ignited by placing a piece of magnesium ribbon into the powder and lighting that like a fuse, since (MOST, not all but most) thermite compositions are really stable stuff, Al/iron oxide thermite you can pound with a hammer until christ himself shows up to watch at the second coming without it doing anything, a match or lighter would do nothing, and even a propane torch must be trained on a thermite of this type for a fair while, keeping it at red heat before ignition.

BUT, once it DOES ignite, it doesn't go out. It just burns like everfucking fury; because the way they work, is that the more reactive, more electropositive metal (or carbon in some such reactions although these seem less violent than metallothermic reductions) donates electrons to the less reactive, more electronegative element's oxide, in exchange, violently ripping off the oxygen atoms and the more reactive metal becomes an oxide itself, forming a slag, while during the extremely exothermic, selfsustaining reaction, the oxide one started with is reduced to the metal itself (or semimetals, I did a silica gel thermite once, and got some nuggets of elemental silicon out of it), which happens at such an extremely high temperature that the metal comes out molten and showering sparks. Or for low boiling point metals, potentially exploding, as in the case of copper thermite, since the copper just vaporizes and it goes off with a flash and a shockwave, and cloud of boiling hot copper vapor.

They use iron oxide/aluminium thermite for welding railway line sections together, by positioning a mold over the area, holding a charge of thermite, igniting it and the molten iron drops out of a hole in the bottom of the mold, into the gap in sections of rail to be welded together.

And it can be used for cutting too, for cutting through things like steel plate, since the reaction goes at thousands of degrees 'C, and will easily burn through steel if the geometry of charges, molds etc is optimal. They make grenades with it for military use too, for destroying equipment (such as say, sabotage of a tank, stuff a thermite grenade down the muzzle of its cannon, and that cannon is, in a word, going to end up buggered in short order, welded closed).

A useful reaction all round, really, especially for preparing samples of metals, in ore refining on a lab scale, for casting, isolating elements, or if someone was so inclined, for breaking things permanently with a shower of blazing white hot steel running like lava. Welding, all sorts.

Back garden pathway flagstones however do not seem to like it much. Or the occasional oozing lake of boiling lead slithering across them when they are cold to begin with.

And its near impossible to put them out, because thermite, once ignited, supplies its own oxygen, the more active metal ripping it right off of the metal oxide, so it can burn in the absence of air once lit, even under water apparently. And they will tear CO2 to pieces, if a CO2 extinguisher was used, just adding more fuel to the fire, and the likes of halon extinguishers would break down to produce highly toxic gases. The best you can do, is bury it with sand and leave it to burn itself out in as controlled a manner as possible, or disperse the charge, if it were in a simple heap, by making sure that its all over the place, but only a tiny bit in any one place, so it can't just keep sustaining the burn. Otherwise, once thermite starts, it finishes. And if that is a problem to you, then you better get out of its way, because IT sure as hell won't do so. And I for one, wouldn't want to end up covered in molten steel :autism:

Or molten anything for that matter. Well, unless it somehow involves an autistic girl, and a candle. That'd be fine enough with me :D

Sg...I guess..well....I've just always had a creative streak in me that demands that I feed my thirst for science. Can no more help that than I can help the fact that I was born with two eyes, two balls, one dick, two arms and two legs attached to me, or help the fact that I use my nose to smell things and my ears to hear them. I was, I suppose, destined to be a bit of what many would call a mad scientist from the day I was hatched. I wonder sometimes if I came from a womb, or if I hauled my ass out of a distillation flask and popped out of the condenser  instead :LOL:

I wouldn't say I'm a mad scientist (in seriousness that is) though. Eccentric, certainly. Different? no shit. Odd? well I'm fucking autistic so what can anyone expect me to be? and creative? absolutely, but not mad. At least not in the sense of mentally deranged. Just resourceful, creative and a trifle spazzified and quite firmly set in my ways of liking it that way.

But then again, who wouldn't :)
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Offline sg1008

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #14059 on: June 05, 2018, 09:46:49 PM »
shit. its been awhile, the memory passage i keep pulling up in my mind about the prince was hermione's hope that it was a girl. i seem to be stuck in the part of the book when they didnt know. i think it did turn out to be snape...oh yeah cause he invented the spell James used against him. ah, i remember now. well, the prince seemed more impressive than adult snape ever did. XD probably because adult snape made so many stupid decisions, like believing Voldemort would hesitate to kill anyone... and being such an asshole while teaching harry occlumency. blegh. but, yeah, early professor snape you resemble.
Can't you guys even just imagine it?

Forget practicality, or your experience....can you just....imagine?

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #14060 on: June 05, 2018, 10:11:26 PM »
For a character meant to be a prodigy and a genius, hermione's hoping that somebody who signs themselves as 'the half blood prince' would be female, is rather overlooking the meaning of the word 'prince', with the context in particular, being that there is a gender-specific title for a female noble of such rank.

And in the books/movies, snape...I very much doubt he was portrayed as naive in that respect (I.e voldemort being a murderous wee bastard), he was portrayed as a highly competent double agent. Man on the inside.

Heh, to use a simile, I guess you could say that I'd make a good potions master. Although perhaps one that most schools, would be somewhat reluctant to have their students taught of some of said potions :P

And you know, I actually do look alright in a long hooded velvet cloak. I've seen them online, an ex of mine, older ex fiancee of the two has one, black on one side, purple on the other. Its great. I might get one myself actually, I've had it on, hers I mean, and its really comfortable. And especially with my long hair and facial piercings, it kinda goes with my looks, if that makes sense. If the cloak fits... I guess one might say.

Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline sg1008

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #14061 on: June 05, 2018, 10:15:55 PM »
passion and true creativity are refreshing!

i have my fixations too (perhaps two), and theres no way of changing or altering their courses. they carry me forward and often i feel i exist FOR them. one i dont know what to call other than probably some kind of philosophy of sorts. im sure youve noticed... im just interested in understanding the role (if any) of human beings in the universe. that is one thing that WILL drive you insane. many sleepless nights ive sat huddled in a corner tearing at my hair, attempting to organise the oceans of information i had been taking in....trying to grow extra heads while i am at it, and finally dissociating into a nice cloud of hazy shock that removes me from the growing paranoia and mental exhaustion that accompanies such a state. i went to the hospital like such once, and the psychiatrist almost had me shipped down to a state hospital saying that i had an obsession with society and corruption. i resolved that day to not confide in psychiatrists. ive been better at keeping tabs on it, more so by placing other more mundane (or conversely, ethereal) puzzles in front of me, such as music and horology. these are things that save me from stretching myself too much.

the other is less of a fixation than a joy. and that is writing- all manner of writing, but my favourite are the creative, descriptive short stories which i hope will...true to my first fixation.... transform into a book or epic conveying the things i discover/observe about human life in the universe. of course, i never stop learning which makes it difficult to settle on what to write.... what story would be both compelling and true to human nature? i cannot decide. but i keep writing writing writing.

addendum both fixations are a joy actually (when im not overfilled)...but im not really fixated on writing...its just something i often do/use i guess.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2018, 10:20:19 PM by sg1008 »
Can't you guys even just imagine it?

Forget practicality, or your experience....can you just....imagine?

It's there. It always was.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #14062 on: June 05, 2018, 11:00:35 PM »
I guess I should clarify the first, main fixation.

By role (if any) of human beings, I don't mean just finding meaning or assuming there is a ROLE and purpose. But...actually testing meaning. Off all of the things that people do or say or believe about themselves and their existence- is there anything that can be a Truth? Is there anything that will stand up to tests when put in any situation, any time period, any context? Is there a truth that is actually defined by versatility? or a truth defined by its constancy? or no truth? and is no truth (which is a truth in and of itself) consistent with all manner of experience? and if nothing can stand the test, then are things actually consistently random (which is also something to ponder), and what could it mean in conjunction with the rest of existence? and is there a way to be human that is more sustainable than others?

those are just some things I ponder. so, I can take a quote, or a passage, or a story, and the meaning and lessons conveyed I mull over incessantly, applying them to any situation, and find out the point at which they no longer apply, or can only apply if certain conditions are met. that kind of thing. its so immediate that I cannot read philosophy books or take classes except in rare short bursts, because as soon as I latch onto an idea, it goes round and round and I cannot possibly take a whole book of words round and round about my brain without exploding. even one concept can send me into a journey worlds away...i could rant for days about one quote. about once situation. righteousness was a big one. perhaps i am fixated on the philosophy of righteousness or something.

i cannot live and not do this. its a joy as i said, but a joy because its my nature, and adhering to our nature is generally pleasurable. but i am also bound to it, chained....defined by it....i do not live other than to have these thoughts and ideas which might be worth nothing for all i know. and how can one function among other humans with such questions rampantly puttering about your mind? i cannot imagine being an innocent little human who goes day to day listening to the radio getting all their good ideas from some show they heard and pondering the mundane questions of where they are going to...i dunno....get new shoes? i dunno what people think about. i have good ideas about what they feel. and i know that they are capable of experiencing sparks of creativity and learning. but what they think on the daily? I could not fathom. :o  sometimes i wonder if they exist on some kind of autopilot, as if they can somehow shut that part of themselves off and move to worrying over surface anxieties and the things they are programmed to worry over, never digging deeper, never wondering at the silliness and pettiness of many things, looking for solutions in all the APPROVED places.

*sigh. not to say i scorn them for doing so. they are living their lives in a (semi) intelligent reaction to something which i suppose does not touch me as much. the pull, the need for inclusion is so strong with many that they subconsciously do what will connect them with others without questioning it. or at least, they THINK certain things will connect them, although sometimes the connection is superficial, and i know many folks suffer from this and do not know how to move beyond it. i want to help folks move beyond the superficial and mundane. Perhaps it is an obsession in a pathological sense, who knows. but i do know it is, as you say, different. its odd, its not something i can openly share except in bite size chunks with very few others. perhaps this is why i want to write a story...stories convey ideas best...and they are not straightforward. often the ideas are only perceived by a few, while most simply enjoy the entertainment value of such things. to be able to give a gift that is treasured both by those who think deeply, and those who do not, is a life dream.

« Last Edit: June 05, 2018, 11:05:51 PM by sg1008 »
Can't you guys even just imagine it?

Forget practicality, or your experience....can you just....imagine?

It's there. It always was.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #14063 on: June 06, 2018, 12:49:32 AM »
Funny story, the only reason I understand your dragons is because the HR person at my job explained it to me after an email was sent out about how I was resigning to hunt dragons in Bulgaria and Norway, and my ship was leaving soon, so I wouldnt be back at work.

I thought it was pretty funny, especially because my supervisor sent it on my behalf, then the HR person in my exit interview told me if anyone offered me anything on my way out, it would be because chasing dragons isnt quite the King Pellinore interpretation of things.

A few colleagues actually thought I was going to Bulgaria too. I thought the dragons part of the story made it clear that it was probably not occurring on this plane of existence... i mean, going to hunt dragons??? ach. i just like dragons- the serpentine ones. and bulgaria and norway have some notable dragon lore. well, no one knew about the lore i guess. lol
Chasing dragons is a drug slang; am guessing that's what Lestat meant by it.  That's a really weird email to send out for someone leaving. What did the HR person say to explain what it meant?

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #14064 on: June 06, 2018, 01:38:17 AM »
Yeah, jack has got it there, 'chasing the dragon', meaning to smoke H when you toot it off foil. (although I prefer a glass pipe, or a piece of glass tubing, it confines the vapor and the kit, when it melts, it has to stay in the bore of the tube, although it still runs up and down, away from the flame below, but in a tube it has no horizontal axis worth considering in which to try and escape.

And glass (borosilicate so it doesn't shatter due to thermal shock), it runs cleaner, doesn't get into all little creases etc., plus when your pipe cools down, you can then exhale the vapor back out from your lungs, up through the pipe and out, so some at least, recondenses upon the interior of the walls, as if on a coldfinger cryo-trap. Plus, foil is really thin, so one must fold it in several layers to avoid overheating the gear, or worse actually setting it on fire (I confess I have done that before, when I had absolute shite technique for smoking off foil. Never liked using foil much, its so fiddly, and the metal itself can burn through; so naturally, I prefer glass implements.

Its actually a fair bit more difficult than it looks, to vaporize something successfully on foil, and catch the vapor in the mouth tube, while the blob of melted H, or whatever else one might want to vaporize, is moving away from the lighter flame and you are moving the lighter with it to catch up (hence the chasing bit, you literally do have to chase the melted portion of the thing to be vaporized and inhaled, twice over, once underneath with the flame, and once above it, with the tube to catch the goods. )

Plus, using a glass pipe confines the smoke far better, less open to the air, so far more efficient.

Lol they should make it into an E-liquid and sell it via pharmacies, if its compatible with an E-cig. I've never tried to do that though, and I don't want to chance borking my E-cig up, especially now the bloody govt. are trying to (or possibly have done so) ban tanks any larger than 1ml, or some stupid arbitrary moronic garbage like that, and this is something like a 2.5-3ml tank on mine)

Pretty fucking dumb I reckon. Enforcing any laws on the size of an e-cig tank. If people want more, it just means they have to open it and fill it more often, it isn't going to change the quantity of liquid people use, not in a thousand years of sunday. The ONLY thing it can hope to accomplish, is pissing people off, by making them have to fill up more often, and what the fuck is that meant to do? its just totally and utterly without rhyme or reason. Just stupid political bell-cheese-gargling, worthless little maggots posturing and preening and lording over their sheeple with yet more vapid bovine excrement.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #14065 on: June 06, 2018, 10:09:46 AM »
A weird email, but Im a weird person. I couldnt say I was leaving because the management doesnt know what they are doing and my coworkers are at wits end (5 different people broke down in tears to me over the course of the last year I was there, all over managerial issues!), and that I could not effectively do my job without circumventing proper chain of command, which I refuse to do more than the one time I was forced into it to save the agency from missing their reporting deadline with no numbers to speak of. Couldnt say that I was leaving exhausted and needing an out with no other job lined up, and no crystal clear idea of where to head next. Couldnt even sugarcoat things because I felt it would be unfair to my coworkers to make it seem all was well.

So I said the dragons thing (obvious nonsense) :]

the HR person said it was slang for chasing the first high of H, because, she said, the following experiences are never so intense, so the dragon is that initial  but Lestat is saying its slightly different meaning.

Funny story, the only reason I understand your dragons is because the HR person at my job explained it to me after an email was sent out about how I was resigning to hunt dragons in Bulgaria and Norway, and my ship was leaving soon, so I wouldnt be back at work.

I thought it was pretty funny, especially because my supervisor sent it on my behalf, then the HR person in my exit interview told me if anyone offered me anything on my way out, it would be because chasing dragons isnt quite the King Pellinore interpretation of things.

A few colleagues actually thought I was going to Bulgaria too. I thought the dragons part of the story made it clear that it was probably not occurring on this plane of existence... i mean, going to hunt dragons??? ach. i just like dragons- the serpentine ones. and bulgaria and norway have some notable dragon lore. well, no one knew about the lore i guess. lol
Chasing dragons is a drug slang; am guessing that's what Lestat meant by it.  That's a really weird email to send out for someone leaving. What did the HR person say to explain what it meant?
Can't you guys even just imagine it?

Forget practicality, or your experience....can you just....imagine?

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #14066 on: June 06, 2018, 01:54:37 PM »
The HR person is quite obviously talking about things as if she knows objective fact when in actuality, she is just repeating myths and urban 'wisdom' parrot fashion.

The whole thing about it never being the same as the first ever time, its rubbish, what makes a difference, are whether a person is physically dependent upon opioids, and whether or not they are tolerant. Otherwise its really, and this tends to apply as a broad rule to psychoactives in general, changed qualitatively by set and setting; the environment the person is in, that is to say, and how they feel in themselves, psychologically, emotionally, physically, for some substances, such as psychedelics, even spiritually.

Opioids aren't really anything concerned with being spiritual, so thats out IMO. But really, they are quite able to do the same thing multiple times. It has done today, for example. And its about to do so again.

*lazily exhales twin jets of grey vapour clouds out of his nostrils*
« Last Edit: June 06, 2018, 01:57:31 PM by Lestat »
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #14067 on: June 06, 2018, 04:12:12 PM »
A weird email, but Im a weird person. I couldnt say I was leaving because the management doesnt know what they are doing and my coworkers are at wits end (5 different people broke down in tears to me over the course of the last year I was there, all over managerial issues!), and that I could not effectively do my job without circumventing proper chain of command, which I refuse to do more than the one time I was forced into it to save the agency from missing their reporting deadline with no numbers to speak of. Couldnt say that I was leaving exhausted and needing an out with no other job lined up, and no crystal clear idea of where to head next. Couldnt even sugarcoat things because I felt it would be unfair to my coworkers to make it seem all was well.

So I said the dragons thing (obvious nonsense) :]

the HR person said it was slang for chasing the first high of H, because, she said, the following experiences are never so intense, so the dragon is that initial  but Lestat is saying its slightly different meaning.

Funny story, the only reason I understand your dragons is because the HR person at my job explained it to me after an email was sent out about how I was resigning to hunt dragons in Bulgaria and Norway, and my ship was leaving soon, so I wouldnt be back at work.

I thought it was pretty funny, especially because my supervisor sent it on my behalf, then the HR person in my exit interview told me if anyone offered me anything on my way out, it would be because chasing dragons isnt quite the King Pellinore interpretation of things.

A few colleagues actually thought I was going to Bulgaria too. I thought the dragons part of the story made it clear that it was probably not occurring on this plane of existence... i mean, going to hunt dragons??? ach. i just like dragons- the serpentine ones. and bulgaria and norway have some notable dragon lore. well, no one knew about the lore i guess. lol
Chasing dragons is a drug slang; am guessing that's what Lestat meant by it.  That's a really weird email to send out for someone leaving. What did the HR person say to explain what it meant?
Okay. Didn't realize the dragon thing originated from you. Why not just tell them why if leaving anyway? It's important they know why they cant retain their staff.

Offline sg1008

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #14068 on: June 06, 2018, 09:02:54 PM »
A weird email, but Im a weird person. I couldnt say I was leaving because the management doesnt know what they are doing and my coworkers are at wits end (5 different people broke down in tears to me over the course of the last year I was there, all over managerial issues!), and that I could not effectively do my job without circumventing proper chain of command, which I refuse to do more than the one time I was forced into it to save the agency from missing their reporting deadline with no numbers to speak of. Couldnt say that I was leaving exhausted and needing an out with no other job lined up, and no crystal clear idea of where to head next. Couldnt even sugarcoat things because I felt it would be unfair to my coworkers to make it seem all was well.

So I said the dragons thing (obvious nonsense) :]

the HR person said it was slang for chasing the first high of H, because, she said, the following experiences are never so intense, so the dragon is that initial  but Lestat is saying its slightly different meaning.

Funny story, the only reason I understand your dragons is because the HR person at my job explained it to me after an email was sent out about how I was resigning to hunt dragons in Bulgaria and Norway, and my ship was leaving soon, so I wouldnt be back at work.

I thought it was pretty funny, especially because my supervisor sent it on my behalf, then the HR person in my exit interview told me if anyone offered me anything on my way out, it would be because chasing dragons isnt quite the King Pellinore interpretation of things.

A few colleagues actually thought I was going to Bulgaria too. I thought the dragons part of the story made it clear that it was probably not occurring on this plane of existence... i mean, going to hunt dragons??? ach. i just like dragons- the serpentine ones. and bulgaria and norway have some notable dragon lore. well, no one knew about the lore i guess. lol
Chasing dragons is a drug slang; am guessing that's what Lestat meant by it.  That's a really weird email to send out for someone leaving. What did the HR person say to explain what it meant?
Okay. Didn't realize the dragon thing originated from you. Why not just tell them why if leaving anyway? It's important they know why they cant retain their staff.

Yeah. I wrote a four page letter of resignation which reached the leadership. I also mentioned things at my exit interview, but the email (with dragons) was going to all the staff and it didnt seem appropriate to put all my reasons there.
Can't you guys even just imagine it?

Forget practicality, or your experience....can you just....imagine?

It's there. It always was.

Offline sg1008

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #14069 on: June 07, 2018, 05:14:01 PM »
The HR person is quite obviously talking about things as if she knows objective fact when in actuality, she is just repeating myths and urban 'wisdom' parrot fashion.

The HR person...yeah. She arrived late for the interview (which meant I was standing in the freezing was snowing at the end of April btw), didnt even excuse herself. Then during the whole interview she stares at her computer and she says, "Oh, Dont worry I am listening. I can multitask."

I was polite and refrained from pointing out that there is no such thing as multitasking, only splitting attention so that you might feel like you are multitaskimg, but youre not. And she would interrupt me to make some point which lasted two minutes, and Id have to say, "well, no THATS not why im leaving. im just giving you some context, i havent told you yet." And i held my peace when she suggested I was quitting because my generation was too sensitive. I didnt mention that half of the folks breaking down in tears were middle aged, and preparing to end their employment. but... *shrugs.
Can't you guys even just imagine it?

Forget practicality, or your experience....can you just....imagine?

It's there. It always was.