I've had an icy draught blowing through my house since Christmas. most especially when sitting at my computer desk cos that's right at the point where all the draughts in this draughty old house converge. (however, it's also the only pl;ace where you can gaze through the narrow little window when you look up from the Keyboard, which was, as always, the decisive factor in placing it).
I thought it must be bloody cold outside, even more bloody cold than usual for this time of year, and i've spent rather too much of my swaddled up to tightly in too many wrappings to do anything much but sleep. I've set BC i-player going on my PC, moved back out of the icy draught to watch it comfortasbly , then fallen asleep 10 mins later. Then, a few hours later , I've woken up, fixed myself some food, rinse and repeat.
This morning, after removing the swaddling, making cofee, etc , chercking out I^2 etc , I couldn't find a warm part of my body to warm my cold habnds on. Despite the heating being full on. "This is fucking ridiculous " I said to myself and hauled myself upstairs to have another go at gettiing that bedroom door to stay closed. ( I don;t use the upstairs rooms anymore, due to difficulty with stairs. That's my son's domain, when he's here). Thete's an ongoing rtoblem with the mechanism on that door, which my landlady can't be arsed with fixing. So, I have an open stairwell, right next to my PC desk with an open door at the top of it (most of the time) which tends to explain the icy draughts, doesn't it? But those draghts really have been a whole lot more icy than usual.
Anyway, can you guess? I really, really should have guessed. IBefore doing my slamming the door repeatedly thing (which doesn't really wotk on that door. But it does work on the other one, and helps prevent me from feeling completely helpless) I went into the room and checked out the window. Yeah, my son had left the damned thing open, hadn't he? Entirely by accident of course. Could call it my fault for passing on my absent-mindedness genes. *sigh*
I have now closed the window and the house is becoming passably warm, for the first time since Christmas *phew* And i've been sitting here typing for a good half hour, and yet hands are still warm

. So this is a belated bitch, now i can bitch in comparative comfort again.