Author Topic: Just one quick bitch, part two  (Read 359477 times)

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13830 on: January 04, 2018, 03:28:00 AM »
Once upon a time, Swedish health care used to be really good. Accessible, compassionate, affordable.

It's still affordable but the results vary. If you have a standard ailment, it can work decently because the solutions do not require anything beyond meds and can be handled by super-stressed doctors allowed around 15-20 minutes per patient in total. Anything requiring follow-ups, specialist referrals, etc, is likely to take time, yet end with another 15 mins with a doctor that simply doesn't have the time or the resources.

There are many variations of this basic theme, and this applies for pretty much any physical ailment.

Anything having to do with mental health basically sucks. The above applies, of course, but there are fewer specialists and less resources. You can get meds if you're lucky, but that's about it. If you need actual long-term help for, say, OCD, you can basically forget about it because the waiting list is ridiculously long and the therapy tends to be of the homegrown kind. If you're an on-the-spectrum adult with ADHD, you're just as likely to be regarded with suspicion (drug-seeking behaviour) as given Ritalin.

But it's still affordable. :P
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13831 on: January 04, 2018, 05:39:27 AM »
If I was going to be looked at with suspicion, I'd expect that to be fucking free at worst :P And even for free they can go and sodomize a dead squirrel with a banger up its backside and end up with imploding dead squirrel bits and teeth gnawing their dicks off from beyond the grave.

And from what I hear of mental healthcare in most countries its worth about as much as jenny mccarthy jumping in bed with you. (I.e rather you than me, no fucking thank YOU!. I'd rather remove my scrotum with a router cutter covered in fire-ant venom. Then pull out my own nuts, gouge my eyes out and superglue the pair of each in the opposite positions. With a tube of superglue that had been stored up a crack-whore hobo's arse.)

(although why, if mccarthy is going to be in one's bed, would one need to involve another skanky crackwhore, I do not know. If you've got that bitch, then you've got your crackwhore.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13832 on: January 04, 2018, 08:50:24 AM »
And from what I hear of mental healthcare in most countries its worth about as much as jenny mccarthy jumping in bed with you.

You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13833 on: January 04, 2018, 02:26:50 PM »
I'm surprised it took one day to worry, and one day to have a sigh of relief.... The insurance is back to normal, just a different company, plus I don't have to pay an arm and a leg for my medication right now.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13834 on: January 05, 2018, 12:38:30 AM »
Obamacare? :zoinks:
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13835 on: January 05, 2018, 03:31:47 AM »
That funny, 'rax? hey odeon, would it be against the TOS to dox McCarthy? then I could send her round to 'raxy's place while she were out shopping, and just sit back and wait for the next time she got tired and wanted a kip.

We'd know it worked, when we heard the scream of soul-shattering, 'I just snogged Cthulhu-and-brain-raped-myself' horror
as 'raxy curled up in bed, started to purr as she drifted off to sleep, only to suddenly, shockedly, find McCarthy in her bed masturbating over an autism squea....ahem..SPEAKS...printed toilet roll (they must have some sort of publication,  no? :P)

Ye gods, I bet there have been too many auties and aspies that once did something over pictures originating from her pr0n days, only to find out later what a monster was lurking inside, waiting to unzip the skin-suit and begin her task of feasting upon the spleens of the living with her octopus-like beak-ended-tentacles and toothed vagina to feed on desparate hobo-cocks.  (I wonder, does she have to ask for her crack rocks up front, or does she just slay those hobos, eat their souls and then go through their pockets.......)

Can we make this one exception to the no-doxing rules odeon? just so I can send her round to 'Raxy's bed to hide in there? she ought to be quite safe, since she hasn't got a knob to bite off, and we all know, as AutSqueaks tells us, that us autistics do not have souls, so there is nothing she could suck out. ;Raxy, kist remember at all times, it might LOOK like a human, albeit a particularly gross one, raised in a crib carved from ugly tree wood, and delivered surgically with forceps carved from ugly-tree twigs, but what is in  that suit designed to at least vaguely resemble a human being, isn't. Do that and your soul will remain attached to you by whatever bodypart attaches souls to bodies, and It won't realize you even HAVE one, so should leave you alone, thinking there is no food to be had. You will probably end up damaged goods from the perspective of any deities on the other side from proximity exposure, but you'll keep your soul, in some form vaguely recognizable form :tard:
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13836 on: January 05, 2018, 06:03:56 AM »
That funny, 'rax? hey odeon, would it be against the TOS to dox McCarthy? then I could send her round to 'raxy's place while she were out shopping, and just sit back and wait for the next time she got tired and wanted a kip.

It would, yes.
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13837 on: January 05, 2018, 06:18:48 AM »
Bloody car. Cost me over $500 today. And it still needs more done to it. Engine mounts apparently need changing and they think the muffler is blocked but I have to go to a different place to get that looked at. Plus there's an oil leak now.
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13838 on: January 05, 2018, 09:42:44 AM »
Explanation is easy enough for that Ren.

Your car is jumping up and down inside whenever it gets to see you, so the engine mounts have worn, and the oil-leak is where its drooling at such a lovely sight. As for the muffler, you checked to make sure no little shit's gone and stuck a potato etc. up there?

I really can't imagine you muffled though. What a weird thought. Ren, quiet and muffled. Thats just weird shit. 500 quid though that is gay as:( 500 quid..that mechanic needs to go and lick allah's ballsack and rename himself mary, mother of hitler, then walk into a fundamentalist black jew ghetto waving a swastika flag whilst handing out socks with broken bricks in 'em for free.

Or else be locked in a lift, whilst the entirety of I2 get together, and each fart in there through a tube, before one of us lays a trail of alcohol or lighter fluid and gets ready with a box of matches. There is BOUND to be an aspie or autie here who really, really likes jigsaw puzzles....we wouldn't think of it as murder. Just committing pesticide, along with atoning for that by making one or more speshul folk very happy with a million-piece jigsaw puzzle that needs a copy of gray's anatomy to reassemble in something that is at least of a similar shape to the one it started out in when fabricated by ye anciente and venerable arte of ye farte-blaste-carvyng.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13839 on: January 05, 2018, 02:10:15 PM »
That funny, 'rax? hey odeon, would it be against the TOS to dox McCarthy? then I could send her round to 'raxy's place while she were out shopping, and just sit back and wait for the next time she got tired and wanted a kip.

We'd know it worked, when we heard the scream of soul-shattering, 'I just snogged Cthulhu-and-brain-raped-myself' horror
as 'raxy curled up in bed, started to purr as she drifted off to sleep, only to suddenly, shockedly, find McCarthy in her bed masturbating over an autism squea....ahem..SPEAKS...printed toilet roll (they must have some sort of publication,  no? :P)

Oh gods no, I don't want that abomination anywhere near my walls, let alone within them. Unless you're looking to have the pieces special-delivered right back to you in the packaging of your favorite lab supplier, to increase the unpleasantness of the surprise.

Also I don't want to have to deal with the headache of a castle doctrine investigation   :autism:
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13840 on: January 05, 2018, 05:10:17 PM »
Almost had me there 'raxy. Almost. But you got to get up pretty damn early in the morning to catch this one:D

Just make sure its a delivery that includes hydrofluoric acid and have it sent by DHL. Things will turn out just fine. Well, unless you are a DHL delivery driver. The things that get included in my orders...ahem...well lets just say many of them don't play well with anything but glass and teflon. And many more don't like water or air. And like acids even less, if thats possible. Just pick DHL for the shipping consortium. Problem solved. The company would have to pay for replacement items anyway.

What is the castle doctrine? not familiar. Does it come with a dungeon? I could use one of those. What, for, I'm not telling you, not in a million years. But it is rather unconventional to say the least. Hm, wouldn't mind a castle. That'd be just my look, standing out there at night on the battlements, looking up at the moon.  And would probably be out in the middle of nowhere, so that suits me too.

Although...had you not considered that whilst my favourite chemical suppliers are happy enough selling rare and exotic precursors for various substances the law doesn't tend to approve of, or any problem with strong bases, acids, superacids, solvents and highly toxic, corrosive chemicals or stuff that bursts into flames on contact with atmospheric trace moisture or air itself...but I reckon they have their limits and would probably tell you to fuck off and find somebody else to send THAT:P

AND you'd give me the chance to tell DHL to go fuck a pig again. Although I think they have given up on trying to recover that 70-80 quid or so in taxes I reputedly owe them. Not my fault the delivery driver confirmed payment without it being made. Quite happy about that actually. I did get a nasty letter went, we could work together.  I send her to you, you chop her into little bits, and send her tax unpaid with an order consisting of say, a few tens of grams of salt or bicarb, so they have no choice but to take her back and leave the bits rotting in a crate in a warehouse somewhere, never to be seen again, and ideally the smell of various nasty amines, sulfur compounds, selenium, tellurium and arsenic compounds and butyric acid would cover up the fish from her cunt, the butyric acid cover the general barf stink of decomposing stomach when it swells and bursts, and the rest can just  add to the ambient nasty and cover up our little endeavour in general.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13841 on: January 07, 2018, 03:09:25 PM »
I've had an icy draught blowing through my house since Christmas. most especially when sitting at my computer desk cos that's right at the point where all the draughts in this draughty old house converge. (however, it's  also the only pl;ace where you can gaze  through the narrow little  window when you look up from the Keyboard, which was, as always,  the decisive factor in placing it).
I thought it must be bloody cold outside, even more bloody cold than usual for this time of year, and i've spent rather too much of my swaddled up to tightly in too many wrappings to do anything much but sleep.   I've set BC i-player going on my PC,  moved back out of the icy draught to watch it comfortasbly , then fallen asleep 10 mins later.  Then, a few hours later , I've woken up, fixed myself some food, rinse and repeat. 

This morning, after removing the swaddling, making cofee, etc , chercking out I^2 etc ,  I couldn't find a warm part of my body to warm my cold habnds on. Despite the heating being full on.  "This is fucking ridiculous  " I said to myself and hauled myself upstairs to have another go at gettiing that bedroom door to stay closed. ( I don;t use the upstairs rooms anymore, due to difficulty with stairs. That's my son's domain, when he's here).  Thete's an ongoing  rtoblem with the mechanism on that door, which my landlady can't be arsed with fixing. So,  I have an open stairwell, right next to my PC desk with an open door at the top of it  (most of the time)  which tends to explain the icy draughts, doesn't it?   But those draghts really have been a whole lot more icy than usual.

Anyway, can you guess? I really, really  should have guessed.  IBefore doing my slamming  the door repeatedly thing (which doesn't really wotk on that door. But it does work on the other one, and  helps prevent me from feeling completely helpless) I went into the room and checked out the window. Yeah, my son had left the damned thing open, hadn't he?  Entirely by accident of course.  Could call it my fault for passing on my absent-mindedness genes. *sigh*

I have now closed the window and the house is becoming passably warm, for the first time since Christmas *phew* And i've been sitting here typing for a good half hour, and yet hands are still warm :). So this is a belated bitch, now i can bitch in comparative comfort again. :)

« Last Edit: January 07, 2018, 03:17:16 PM by Walkie »

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13842 on: January 07, 2018, 05:05:43 PM »
There is a glacier at the end on my driveway as thick as the curb
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13843 on: January 08, 2018, 06:29:17 PM »
Before I started to sleep downstairs, on the sofa, that room is THE coldest room in the whole house, went in earlier to make up a morphine shot and on walking in there it was so cold I could feel it on just crossing the threshold of the room it was like diving into liquid fucking helium, it was an icy blast from hell, and picking up the stone mortar and pestle was like holding a block of ice. I have about 90% decided that I'm going to cut the bed to bits, dissect the mattress (past it anyway, way, way past not being all sharp and pokey and proddy and stabby ) to make sure no valuables have fallen into any holes in it, would be shite to toss out a bag of weed etc., and I've found at least one big sack of synthetic bud, several grams of diphenidine and a capsule of methoxphenidine (two dissociative anaesthetic/likely mild opioid and also a stimulant, like the compound its originally derived from in either case) plus a full, still unused case of nitrous oxide whippits (need to find my cracker, IIRC its a 100-pack of nitrous canisters, just need to find the top of my cracker), even found bags of ethylphenidate (ethyl ester analog of methylphenidate/ritalin, and about 10g of 3-fluorophenmetrazine, which IMO is THE finest, smoothest stimulant with the best rush of any DARI I've ever had. Never had the original prescription preludin/phenmetrazine but its legendary more or less amongst those who have. It got banned more or less worldwide due to its being so damn euphoric it was considered to as outdoing them all. Before my time though, I'd  have no other way to taste it than to make it, since it, like quaaludes, they were both shitcanned for having too much recreational potential; apparently the original, unfluorinated preludin, aka 'prellies' were SUPER-popular amongst the beatles. I've only had the 3-fluorinated version but hooooo---leeeee-sheee-----yit is that ever one rock solid nuclear-option of a silk-smooth, velvety soft and nonjittery beaut of a psychostimulant that if if god and jesus christ were to work together on a stimulant-type chemistry project then the archangels would be the ones ferrying the reagents back and forth, the angels setting any inert gas or vacuum lines himself would be running the synth with jesus working the hotplate/mag-stirring. Best fucking stimulant ever. Beats the crap out of ethyl-ritalin.
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13844 on: January 12, 2018, 11:51:43 PM »
My "mentor" for my computer course emailed me and said she called me and left a message. I have evidence of the call but not the message.

So I emailed back and said as such and said where I'm up to in the course.

I received an email back suggesting that we meet in Fremantle tomorrow, which is an hour and a half's travel for me on a Sunday. Public transport, not car, the car has problems at the moment.

So I said ok to that. Then received another email - her mother needs help moving from hospital to a home of some sort so Sunday is out.

Just now I received a phone call from her (eek, phone call!) And she said that I'm doing well (up to Chapter 4) and we should meet next week sometime. So I'm to ring her by Wednesday if she hasn't rung me. Oh dear.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2018, 11:54:04 PM by renaeden »
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way