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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13800 on: December 29, 2017, 07:14:36 AM »
OK, just one more post and then I'll have to do some cleaning...
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13801 on: December 29, 2017, 07:51:04 AM »
Spent much of the night trying to find my antiseizure med. Couldn't, although I'd picked up and shaken the glass bottle (has to be given out in glass only, with some sort of special top, which is plastic, but obviously something both not in direct contact, and presumably known to be either resistant or at least somewhat so, because this stuff eats plastic)

Couldn't find the fuckers, since they'd kinda stuck together in one mass, albeit loosely stuck, and a hard whack of the little glass tubs it comes in on the table knocked them loose. So last night I had to rely on a heavy dose of a benzo, which although inferior somewhat, is nevertheless an anticonvulsant, they all are, at least almost all of them.

I think I could actually tell when roughly my last dose of chlormethiazole that night began to wore off, as I slept, because my dreams became rather disturbing. I remember being in a tunnel, knowing there was something behind me, never saw what, just knew something was there, and in front of me, in this railway-like tunnel (in shape, although without platform or tracks, kind of square shaped with a rounded top), was this white, gaseous-looking cloud creature, rapidly taking on veins and patches of color, shrieking 'murder, murder, murder, murder....', echoing about the damn place.

Managed to force myself awake, and found that the myoclonic jerks that proceed a full-blown seizure had began, so quickly shoveled a couple of benzo pills into my mouth to suppress it. Its weird, since the seizures usually, not always, but usually happen when I am coming out of sleep, or have just awoken and been awake long enough to want to stand up, and to have regained full consciousness, but I can near enough rely on the tone of my dreams as a warning to tell me when to fight to wake up, because I need to take antiseizure meds.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13802 on: December 30, 2017, 05:40:59 PM » heels. Every time I wake up, I've been lying down of course, with my heels on a surface or the side of my foot on a surface, and jesus fucking christ, its got to be one of the most intensely painful things I've ever felt. I end up railing at least three or four capsules of oxy (well their contents anyway) the moment I wake up, whilst putting myself in a position horribly uncomfortable on my hips and knees, essentially taking all my weight on my lower back, and raising everything from waist down up in the air, at least as far as my knee and hip damage will allow me to do, whilst the oxy kicks in, or at least until I collapse in a heap, because it is SO bloody fucking painful, Feels like someone was punching me in the heels with a white-hot corkscrew.

Just slathered my feet in steroids, waiting for the stuff to work on me now, although it takes a while, whilst trying to find a position that puts the least possible pressure on my feet/ankle and putting a couple of oxy caps up my nose every 5 minutes or so. Jesus H...someone fucking give me a belated xmas gift of a new set of feet and ankles. Because there is horrendously painful, and then there is this. Its hurting almost as bad as the boiling-hot base burn I sustained to one eye, but at least when all weight is taken off, steroid cream rubbed in, topical NSAID gel likewie and after a strong shot of morphine it abates, rather than with my eye, which was constant for months.

I think I'm going to ask my doc to do some steroid shots into my heels, because this is way too much, even on a fuckton of pain-meds it still hurts like fucking fuck. I've got  my legs propped up with a cushion behind my heels, at my calves, even right after literally inhaling so much oxycodone (the IR version of oxycontin, at a dose adjusted to match OCs) that I couldn't physically GET any more oxy powder up my nose, despite following it with water each time) my fucking heels still feel like I'd just stepped in boiling HClO4.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13803 on: December 31, 2017, 02:46:52 AM »
What's wrong with your heels? :-\
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13804 on: December 31, 2017, 12:29:07 PM »
Well I don't know for absolute certain without the aid of an ultrasound machine, to perform a noninvasive examination but my Dx would be plantar fasciitis, which is inflammation of the plantar fascia, a band of connective tissue that runs along the heel and quite a bit of the underside of the foot, its tendon-like tissue, so sort of tendinitis-like, and I know all too well what THAT is like, and it is NOT pleasant (as a kid I fell on a piece of glass that was sticking upwards and the big piece of...well..I assume it was a broken windowpane, bloody big, jagged evil bastard thing went straight through my  patellar tendon (the one that passes over the little gap you'll feel if you press gently below your kneecap bone itself and allows movement), had to break a large piece of it off since I couldn't remove the entire thing, just so that in the several mile (for your average person who hasn't just fallen with their full weight on a glass spike through the knee joint, its quite a lot more for somebody who has done just that, especially a little kid) and I've had a rotten case of tendinitis there ever since, which is really, really painful, in addition to joint damage from where it actually went IN the joint cavity itself (thats the reason I take a lot of pain meds, that and over time, to compensate for the way I could no longer bear weight, I unconsciously changed the way I walk, to lower the weight put on that knee and tendon, since for many, many, many years I got no pain relief whatsoever, they just told me to either take paracetamol, which I don't respond to at all for pain, or to take oral non-steroidal antiinflammatories, which I can't, because it'd probably end up with a GI bleed, ulcer or some similar nastiness since my stomach is so messed up I'd not dare take oral NSAIDs) so I coped the only way I could, which was to alter my gait, which was largely unconscious as an act, over time that caused trochanteric bursitis both sides.

Shortly after recovering from the knee thing I was attacked in the street by a bunch of way, way older chavscum, a lot of them, and got my damaged knee stamped on repeatedly. (along with my head and too many other bits to think of) and got left with tendinitis for the rest of my life. Its really, really not a nice thing.

So with the foot, most likely its plantar fasciitis, possibly with a calcaneal spur (a bone spike growing out of a part of the calcaneal bone (the heel), that last is a guess based on percentage probability.) It is as likely to be the case as not the case, given the probability of calcaneal spur in cases of plantar fasciitis is around 50%, so assuming my initial diagnosis of plantar fasciitis to be correct then the probability of having such a spur is more or less a flip of a coin.

Weird thing is, that usually plantar fasciitis is caused by things like sports injury, massive exertion, certain antibiotics (fluoroquinolones) can actually cause tendons to spontaneously rupture, which is even worse, makes them literally burst, reportedly one of the most agonizing things that can happen to a person who is born with the capacity to feel pain [congenital total inability to feel pain exists], or caused by exercise (plantar fasciitis, not tendon rupture), and given how limited my mobility is now, I can just about go to the shop closest to my house without getting driven there by my old man, or get to my DR surgery if I take the bike) but otherwise I've not PUT any exertion onto my feet, I'm more or less stuck lying on the sofa, flat, with my back propped up with pillows, rolled up coats etc.) I get up when I have to go from the lounge to the bog, since that cannot be avoided, or to get myself food from the kitchen, and after taking a hefty dose of painkillers sufficiently often to keep a given amount of pain relief enough to let me perform the task/s I need to perform, to go to my lab and do the things I have on my list of things to do in there.

Even with the pain meds, I'm still in constant pain. Due to (FINALLY) see a pain clinic, with doctors who have made pain control their specialty. You know you might think I'm a junkie, but some people do have a reason to take such meds, on prescription. And I've been without, for a long time. I couldn't play sports in school, I couldn't run...well..sort of...I CAN perform the action but afterwards I'll be bedridden for days. And I CAN'T do vigorous exercise, mostly, I'm stuck, lying down. If I  HAVE to do something, then I'll take a large dose of pain meds, and suffer the consequences, moderated with lesser doses during the recovery phase.

(yes, I will enjoy large amounts of pain meds, they cause euphoria, but if I need to take the dose anyway, I see it as illogical to take any measure such as would make me feel shitty, if its going to make me feel good as a side effect I figure I may as well enjoy it while it lasts, after all, why not? its not like I am going to learn something like buddhist meditation aimed at divorcing oneself from pleasure. If its gonna feel good, I'm gonna let it do so.

But for a long, long time, I have to spend most of my day and night lying down, but even stretching my legs out and having my heels touch anything, a cushion, my bed covers (well, sofa with a duvet over it. then within a few minutes my heels start getting that white-hot-rusty-nail hammered in through my heels sensation. So I have to stick a cushion under my lower calf muscles to make sure my feet do not touch anything, I can stop the pain without meds, by using the strength of my back and core muscles to elevate my legs completely off any surface, but I can only sustain that for a couple of minutes at most before I can't hold the position any longer)

Didn't help that I once accidentally took a 40-50 foot drop off a large wall which unknown to me, wasn't a wall, but a railway parapet, after I got chased (I'd done nothing at all to the pricks to deserve it) by a bunch of drunken chavscum thugs screaming for blood and quite obviously wanting to rip me limb from limb as 'entertainment'.  Too many of them to fight and win, so as they came cannonballing toward me out of the pub they had been infesting, so I ran like hell in the other direction, thinking to run on adrenaline for a few moments enough to get me out of their targeting, meaning to deal with the pain later. Vaulted what I thought was a wall, but it wasn't. It was the thing stopping people walking on the street from dropping off and splattering myself.

To my great surprise, after landing on a load of railway ballast stones, bricks and other things you don't want to fall that far onto, and not only survived the landing, but actually got up, after recovering from beingsomewhat stunned from smashing down onto lots of stones and bricks and shite, but rolled through a load of nettles and bramble-thorn thicket                                                                                                                                    before whacking myself on the railway tracks, sore as hell of course, and ripped an entire collection of new arseholes by the being catapulted through the thornburshes, but not a single broken bone.

But it sure as fuck didn't do my knee any good either. Also had surgery on the knee, that failed, was meant to remove little sharp bone fragments from the tendon, but just caused worse joint damage and tendonitis, as well as inflicted a load of nerve damage through that leg, that left me without much feeling in that leg, other than neuropathic pain. (nerve-damage-induced type of pain is well known to require non-opioid type painkillers if much is to be done about it, since neuropathic pain response really poorly to opioids, they aren't very effective)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13805 on: December 31, 2017, 04:54:44 PM »

Weird thing is, that usually plantar fasciitis is caused by things like sports injury, massive exertion, certain antibiotics (fluoroquinolones) can actually cause tendons to spontaneously rupture

Chemistry isn't an Olympic sport?
 I imagine it takes a lot of energy to do chemical reactions
 and antibodies have something to do with chemical reactions in the body

Time to give up chemistry given these 3 connections

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My brain is both uninhibited and uninhabited.


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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13806 on: December 31, 2017, 06:54:58 PM »
No, its a well known potential side effect of fluoroquinolone antibiotics, like ciprofloxacin, its done some horrendous damage to those unfortunate enough to suffer that side effect. They can both provoke seizures, being GABAa antagonists, and cause tendons to burst with no more exertion than walking normally. Usually those of the ankles. Both agonizingly painful, potentially permanently crippling and always an ER-grade emergency. IMO If it were not for the case that we need each and every antibiotic we have, and then some then there is no WAY drugs like cipro would ever have gotten further than being tested on cell cultures before ending uo labelled as a sample and condemned to an existence on a shelf of reference samples.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13807 on: January 01, 2018, 08:11:38 AM »
My (PsA-related) inflammations sometimes affect the heels and the underside of the foot, so I know about that kind of pain. My sympathies.

I take Arcoxia for the pain if I absolutely have to, but it wreaks havoc with my stomach so it's sort of a rock and a hard place thing. :(
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13808 on: January 01, 2018, 09:03:01 AM »
No, its a well known potential side effect of fluoroquinolone antibiotics, like ciprofloxacin, its done some horrendous damage to those unfortunate enough to suffer that side effect. They can both provoke seizures, being GABAa antagonists, and cause tendons to burst with no more exertion than walking normally. Usually those of the ankles. Both agonizingly painful, potentially permanently crippling and always an ER-grade emergency. IMO If it were not for the case that we need each and every antibiotic we have, and then some then there is no WAY drugs like cipro would ever have gotten further than being tested on cell cultures before ending uo labelled as a sample and condemned to an existence on a shelf of reference samples.
I've had painful issues with various  tendons since my teens, starting with Achilles Tendonitis. Getting worse and worse as time goes by, and affecting more and more tendons. Caused by  mitochondrial disordder, which in turn  is associated with autism. Worth bearing in mind?

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13809 on: January 01, 2018, 09:14:27 AM »
My (PsA-related) inflammations sometimes affect the heels and the underside of the foot, so I know about that kind of pain. My sympathies.
PsA = Psoriatic arthrirtis?
In any case my synpathies to you, too!
I also have increasing problems pain on the underside of my foot. (But not PsA, so far as I know.)

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13810 on: January 01, 2018, 11:08:51 AM »

I just tripped and when regaining my balance, one foot kinda came down against a horizontal surface (the side of my bed, and it just yanked one of my toenails off, well, not quite off, as such, it was hanging off by a tiny shred of something, but it just came off with the gentlest of tugs. (it would otherwise just catch on things and would do me no good at all as a nail)

Basically I'm left covering the raw nailbed in local anaesthetic gel and using morphine shots to dull it, because christ in hell that fucking hurts like a bastard.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13811 on: January 01, 2018, 04:55:36 PM »
Can't find the paperwork I need.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13812 on: January 02, 2018, 02:01:50 AM »
It's too hot.
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13813 on: January 02, 2018, 03:20:22 AM »
My (PsA-related) inflammations sometimes affect the heels and the underside of the foot, so I know about that kind of pain. My sympathies.
PsA = Psoriatic arthrirtis?
In any case my synpathies to you, too!
I also have increasing problems pain on the underside of my foot. (But not PsA, so far as I know.)

Yes, psoriatic arthritis. I'm one of the lucky few with the arthritis but not the skin condition.
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13814 on: January 02, 2018, 03:34:43 AM »
Can't take any oral NSAID antiinflammatory drugs, I'm already on a huge range (iirc at last count the number was 8-10 or so, if you ignore gaviscon being downed as if I were a depressed guy in a dive bar repeatedly pointing five fingers at the whiskey bottle.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.