Author Topic: Just one quick bitch, part two  (Read 365298 times)

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13710 on: November 23, 2017, 02:10:28 AM »
  My left ear has been blocked for quite awhile now, and I'm wondering if it started on the plane.  :orly:
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13711 on: November 23, 2017, 08:59:36 AM »
Left the window open in the van the night before last and it poured rain even today the seat is still damp :zombiefuck:
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13712 on: November 27, 2017, 05:37:47 PM »
I'm going to have to spend most likely a fair few hours at a MINIMUM on recrystallizations and vacuum distillations, in between melting point analyses in triplicate each time that take a half to 3/4 hour per microcapillary tube being tested. Testing thrice in a row, with time for the oil in the thiele tube to cool each time before testing another sample tube.

A long fucking time doing not much bar kneeling, painfully, down on a cushion on the kitchen floor using the stove top on minimum tiny little gas flame to slowly, slowly heat the sidearm of my thiele tube with sample capillary strapped to thermometer with my face a few inches away from the flame, for most of an hour, watching the sample through a magnifying glass along with the infintesimal upward crawl of the mercury. a little bit of a degree a minute.

Don't get me wrong, I love my lab work, but there ARE tasks that are boring as watching paint dry, is one of them.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13713 on: November 27, 2017, 07:19:53 PM »
So much disappointment in humanity...but, then's that most wonderful time of the year!
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13714 on: November 27, 2017, 10:20:13 PM »
Going to have to buy a new charger for one laptop and pay for my other to have the screen repaired. Dropped the latter thanks to a seizure. Rest of it works, got it connected to the TV for a while, but screwed up some software setting or other and never managed to do it again. I want the thing working again, that way I can dedicate one laptop, the more powerful machine of the two, to videogaming, and use the other one as my research database, encrypted and secured tighter than a gnat's dick eye so I can keep, in coded form all my personal research data, and of course, all the great many scientific journal articles I have and am forever downloading. I'll need to get another external drive too, I've got a 2-terabyte external HD, but I want another, one for games and one for my work.

Last thing near xmas I want to have to shell out for is fucking computer repairs, when there are gifts for the family to be bought and more labware and chemical supplies for myself, including a new vacuum pump (although I'll wait until after xmas, just in case anybody gets me a vac pump as a gift, just to make sure I don't accidentally buy myself the same thing somebody got me as a gift. Not that I'd say no to having having a spare vac pump/manifold available of course)

And I would really like, should I still have enough after all that is said and done, everybody bought for, to get myself the parts of a microscale and ultra-microscale set of glassware, matched for connection sizes.  (currently I've flask sizes as low as 10ml, and a 5ml pear-shaped flask with a sidearm with integral condenser, but the filth damaged that, and the condenser is snapped off, deliberately from the manner of breakage, and I'll need to get it to a professional glassblower, for it is a delicate piece, and despite my paying a mere $5 or 6 inc. shipping on ebay for it, it was worth considerably more than that, especially considering the main body was integrated into a vigreaux, with the microcondenser coming off the side, even a vac takeoff. I've a similar kind of piece, but its 50ml, and that cost me considerably more. I need tiny microscale kit like that, and a proper set, enough to conduct a synthesis from start to finish just as I would with my regular sized glassware in any joint fittings I have,  from beginning to end, but working on a few milligrams to tens or hundreds of mg at a time, and do everything I would with regular size glass, from vacuum or steam distillation, to experiments to test whether a process step works and the principle itself is sound and to what extent, and preparation of analytical samples to an ultrahigh purity level, for use as reference samples in comparative analytical work, purity assays and similar such things as need only small scale and yet the utmost delicacy. I've got some pieces but not yet a full micro and ultramicroscale setup; and my standard go-to 24/40 gear just isn't the type of equipment for it, its just too big, an analytical size synthesis would likely just end up soaked into a filter paper, even if refined with such infintesimal care to get every scrap and microscopic trace off the walls of the glass,  all of it, at each and every step, with absolute precision, and lost, even in the hands of a truly expert chemist of a skill way superior to my own. Akin to using an whaling harpoon gun and steel rope to attempt to thread the eye of a needle, or a baseball bat to perform successful neurosurgery (of the kind intended that is, of course to restore health, rather than the kind of neurosurgery baseball bats might be used for by people ill-disposed to the patient mind you)

There's a limit to the kind of improvisation one may manage using the wrong tools and still get the job done right, and sure, an area in between that those who really know their work as well as they know how to wipe their own arse may pull off  by dint of expertise and practice, but using 24/40 for ultra-microscale work is past it, pretty much.

Bitch no 2: just went and used some of my battery charge (charger will run the laptop in JUST the right position but not charge the battery) to go get food. And despite having just munched down a full tub of cream cheese I've got room for a few more. Got enough charge left to last about 4 hours or just under, so will go get a new one tomorrow, but before I go to get myself more munch from the food-fridge (you'd not want to eat anything from the other fridge, since the menu would be a choice between maggots, other fish-bait belonging to my old man, and a variety of solvents and the kind of chemicals nasty enough to need the aid of cooling down as far as possible to contain safely as well as a host of various solvents, some nicer , some nastier than others, but certainly not a thing anybody should ever entertain the idea of allowing into their food. Well technically there is, but only in the sense of my keeping the benzaldehyde in there since it is rather prone to oxidation, and keeping the bottles cold slows it, once opened and the deadspace left by that used, back-purged with argon; and benzaldehyde smells most deliciously of marzipan/bitter almonds and in small amounts is actually what you are buying almost certainly should you ever purchase synthetic almond essence flavouring, which is just bland vegetable oil with a bit of benzaldehyde in it. The pure form is a wonder to smell, just opening a bottle at room temperature is enough to render the room heavily perfumed, most strongly with the most powerful scent of marzipan, sweet and delicious.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13715 on: November 28, 2017, 11:39:02 AM »
My quick bitch:  MATTRESS

(Mine, not yours Lestat.  It's sagging in the middle on one side)
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13716 on: November 28, 2017, 01:54:28 PM »
You can have mine if you want QV? no charge. A bit used but you could get on with it if you flip it both on its face and turn it the other way round if you lie in the right place. Either way I'm not using it any time soon hun.  ) It might be secondhand and seen a couple of women in it, between 14 and about 19 and one of them kinda aspie traits-ish, the other classic autie, and last used by another autie guy, albeit one with a bedspring in the small of his spine and general likelihood of waking up with a few profane sentiments about the thing to match (although not extended to the prev. shared occupants, they were, are, good peoples) so you'd be in good company as the next (albeit last, unless you take a mate, but I'd get a better one to honour any such mate sufficiently to justify your company) because I, despite my admiration of you, bring myself to subject myself to another night of that thing stabbing me in either the back or the...well you haven't got one, you've another X chromosome instead of one, and two accompanying bits that go with an XY karyotype. Well just two if you count a spring in somewhere you weren't born with a coil of metal poking out of, in to, or both, with. Although come to think of it, the mattress might oblige with a couple more knowing its..whatever a criminal record equivalent is, for a mattress. I'd wrap it in duct-tape, maybe about 20 quid worth or so might be enough rolls if you can get them at a dollar store, and coat the stuff with some flexible-ish enough to be servicable type of epoxide resin. (I'd highly advise waiting for the epoxy to be certain to have cured adequately before going to...err.I'd call it sleep. But its more like lying horizontally with one eye half open and a lump hammer connected to a mains electric cord gripped in a rubber glove made of several layers of interl-locked rubber glothing glued together, and a skintight neuprene bodysuit.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13717 on: November 28, 2017, 07:20:21 PM »
Lestat, your evocative post has made me decide that my next bed may be a hammock.  But I have no idea why that is.
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13718 on: November 28, 2017, 07:48:02 PM »

My bitch is everyone's desks were moved around the office and I'm now in a windowless room. I'll never see the sun again.  :headhurts:
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13719 on: November 28, 2017, 08:26:17 PM »
QV-because my old matress is indeed the spawn of the devil and possessed of as much or possibly more tendency to backstab than a nailbomb packed with lawyers thrown into a chemical toilet in a police station marked 'donut sale 60% off today only'?

Only difference is the mattress doesn't charge.

'Raxy, can't you brighten the room up with some of those (in)famous fiery flames?
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13720 on: November 28, 2017, 09:53:50 PM »
I suppose I could overclock my computer's CPU.  :apondering:
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13721 on: November 28, 2017, 10:16:33 PM »
Lestat, your evocative post has made me decide that my next bed may be a hammock.  But I have no idea why that is.

I've been wanting to try that.

Some sites say they help with pain (no pressure points) and insomnia. I'm kind of curious.

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...or you don't"

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13722 on: November 29, 2017, 05:02:27 AM »
The cats came back from the boarding kennels starving for attention. The oldest one has even been crying for attention while I'm asleep, which she's never done before!

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13723 on: November 29, 2017, 07:52:59 AM »
The cats came back from the boarding kennels starving for attention. The oldest one has even been crying for attention while I'm asleep, which she's never done before!
When we got our cat back after the 3 weeks he spent at the cattery, he wouldn't let us out of his sight and meowed constantly. He must have been so lonely!

My quick bitches are that my computer is on its way out. Lots of Windows 10 blue screens. This is a really bad time for this to happen.

Also, I need new glasses, that will cost over $600, even using old frames.

Also, my car needs a service badly. There are several things wrong with it that will cost more money than I have to fix.

Also, Christmas. Enough said.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2017, 08:03:41 AM by renaeden »
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13724 on: November 29, 2017, 12:30:41 PM »

My bitch is everyone's desks were moved around the office and I'm now in a windowless room. I'll never see the sun again.  :headhurts:

As an state auditor I worked in a walk-in (bank type) safe (using a metal typing table as a desk), a janitor's closet/storeroom, the basement library of the Louisiana State Supreme Court and on the stage at a gymnasium while they were holding Summer camp there.  I had to chase more than one basketball off the stage.  Other times it was a subdued lighting reception hall and a gorgeous room with a view of the Mississippi River to die for.

As an internal auditor both offices I worked in were windowless.
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

My brain is both uninhibited and uninhabited.
