Author Topic: Just one quick bitch, part two  (Read 371881 times)

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13200 on: June 26, 2017, 08:49:12 AM »
Acid reflux :zombiefuck:. That's twice today, though this time I've legitimately had too much to eat.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13201 on: June 26, 2017, 09:01:52 PM »
Asthma sucks. It won't go away!
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13202 on: June 27, 2017, 04:42:44 AM »
  There's a mosquito in the apartment, and this little bitch actually bit me last night.  >:(
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13203 on: June 27, 2017, 07:50:12 AM »
I am lucky because I can book an appointment using my phone on the internet. I think it's called GP 4 Me or something. Better than having to call them and make split decisions about what appointment time to take.

This needs to be a thing everywhere! That would make me so happy.
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13204 on: June 27, 2017, 10:08:42 AM »
I am lucky because I can book an appointment using my phone on the internet. I think it's called GP 4 Me or something. Better than having to call them and make split decisions about what appointment time to take.
This needs to be a thing everywhere! That would make me so happy.
It definitely makes booking an appointment far easier. No building anxiety about having to talk on the phone. In the past I've been sick enough to go to the doctor but not gone because of the anxiety I would get about talking to someone over the phone.
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13205 on: June 27, 2017, 11:05:51 AM »
I am lucky because I can book an appointment using my phone on the internet. I think it's called GP 4 Me or something. Better than having to call them and make split decisions about what appointment time to take.
This needs to be a thing everywhere! That would make me so happy.
It definitely makes booking an appointment far easier. No building anxiety about having to talk on the phone. In the past I've been sick enough to go to the doctor but not gone because of the anxiety I would get about talking to someone over the phone.
Same. Although only for me. I can do it easily for my kids.
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13206 on: June 28, 2017, 12:41:33 PM »
Migraine this morning and while I tried to sleep it away they were doing road work just outside my window
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13207 on: June 28, 2017, 01:55:49 PM »
Yeah definitely. Would imagine that it would be helpful for a lot of aspies and auties. Especially nonverbal ones. I don't have an anxiety problem talking on the phone but its still a fucking nuisance to make an appointment here with the surgery I'm with.

You need to be already up and awake by 8am. Before in fact, since that is when the lines are open, ideally you start about 20-30 seconds before, when they are closed, and repeatedly hang up and hit redial, that way you have a chance of actually getting an appointment, otherwise the phone lines end up jammed the moment they open. You need to be sprinting to the door not when it opens, but as the receptionist goes walking up behind it to open it, in the case of by phone.

And it hurts to walk, it isn't a vast distance, but its still painful without an analgesic shot (so it kicks in quickly enough, rather than taking oral pain meds and having to be up at 7am so they are working when you need to get running) a few minutes before the buggers open. And by phone, sometimes the bloody line doesn't work. Lets you through, and then you find a message saying 'this is an invalid extension, if you know the extension of the person you are trying to call, please put it in now'. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't and you can't get through on the phone. Its a real pain in the arse especially if you've waited and kept trying until you got through, only to find you've then lost the time to get an appointment in the time it took trying to get through, because they are almost always all gone within minutes.

Its enough to make you want to leave whoever designed the reception system walking crab-fashion, since they've just had a phone jammed elbow deep in their arse and twisted sideways before cutting the wire off the end to make sure it STAYS up there:P
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13208 on: June 28, 2017, 08:14:53 PM »
You need to be already up and awake by 8am. Before in fact, since that is when the lines are open, ideally you start about 20-30 seconds before, when they are closed, and repeatedly hang up and hit redial, that way you have a chance of actually getting an appointment, otherwise the phone lines end up jammed the moment they open. You need to be sprinting to the door not when it opens, but as the receptionist goes walking up behind it to open it, in the case of by phone.

And it hurts to walk, it isn't a vast distance, but its still painful without an analgesic shot (so it kicks in quickly enough, rather than taking oral pain meds and having to be up at 7am so they are working when you need to get running) a few minutes before the buggers open. And by phone, sometimes the bloody line doesn't work. Lets you through, and then you find a message saying 'this is an invalid extension, if you know the extension of the person you are trying to call, please put it in now'. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't and you can't get through on the phone. Its a real pain in the arse especially if you've waited and kept trying until you got through, only to find you've then lost the time to get an appointment in the time it took trying to get through, because they are almost always all gone within minutes.

Sounds just like the pathetic excuse for an appointment system at the neighbourhood clinic in Quebec. There's a chronic and systemic lack of family doctors (ie GP's) here, so very few people are lucky enough to have one that they can call up the regular way and get an appointment. Everybody else has to go through the urgent care clinic, and it's just like you describe, except the critical time is 7:30pm the previous night. If you wait till morning of, all the appointments will be gone. You can't walk in and make an appointment either, they'll just tell you to call the useless phone line. Which has different paths through its horrid automation for English and French speakers, and the French one works better. The English one will walk you through ten minutes of automated messages and broken attempts to verbally input your health insurance number, before *then* informing you that all appointments are booked up and please try again tomorrow. You can't make an appointment more than a day in advance.

It's a trainwreck.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13209 on: June 29, 2017, 07:36:56 AM »
You need to be already up and awake by 8am. Before in fact, since that is when the lines are open, ideally you start about 20-30 seconds before, when they are closed, and repeatedly hang up and hit redial, that way you have a chance of actually getting an appointment, otherwise the phone lines end up jammed the moment they open. You need to be sprinting to the door not when it opens, but as the receptionist goes walking up behind it to open it, in the case of by phone.

And it hurts to walk, it isn't a vast distance, but its still painful without an analgesic shot (so it kicks in quickly enough, rather than taking oral pain meds and having to be up at 7am so they are working when you need to get running) a few minutes before the buggers open. And by phone, sometimes the bloody line doesn't work. Lets you through, and then you find a message saying 'this is an invalid extension, if you know the extension of the person you are trying to call, please put it in now'. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't and you can't get through on the phone. Its a real pain in the arse especially if you've waited and kept trying until you got through, only to find you've then lost the time to get an appointment in the time it took trying to get through, because they are almost always all gone within minutes.

Sounds just like the pathetic excuse for an appointment system at the neighbourhood clinic in Quebec. There's a chronic and systemic lack of family doctors (ie GP's) here, so very few people are lucky enough to have one that they can call up the regular way and get an appointment. Everybody else has to go through the urgent care clinic, and it's just like you describe, except the critical time is 7:30pm the previous night. If you wait till morning of, all the appointments will be gone. You can't walk in and make an appointment either, they'll just tell you to call the useless phone line. Which has different paths through its horrid automation for English and French speakers, and the French one works better. The English one will walk you through ten minutes of automated messages and broken attempts to verbally input your health insurance number, before *then* informing you that all appointments are booked up and please try again tomorrow. You can't make an appointment more than a day in advance.

It's a trainwreck.
That's happening more and more across the country. So far in my area of Toronto (GTA) there's enough walkins to be seen and I have a GP that I've had for 17 years. But when I move, I doubt I will find a regular one and will have to rely on walkins. But I think I will still drive back to Toronto to keep my GP for things the walkin can't deal with which I'm not thrilled about because something has changed and she's awful to deal with now. I really wanted to start fresh.
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13210 on: June 29, 2017, 07:59:59 AM »
I just hope my main allocated GP doesn't retire any time soon. He is fairly old, don't know how old, but certainly getting on in years. He's the doc that actually owns the practice and he is definitely the most popular doc there. Unlike the rest, he's always been kindly, and has a great bedside manner. Not only that, but importantly he isn't biased against giving patients in need meds a lot of younger doctors just automatically refuse, the kind that wait until somebody is roadkill or terminal before they give out so much as a crappy dose of codeine. He's the one that finally, after spending my childhood with nothing at all for pain management, at first tried me with codeine then dihydrocodeine, and then when they acted for too short a time, the codeine not being strong enough and subject to a metabolic rate-limit in dose of a half gram, beyond which it just cannot be utilized and is simply broken down and excreted, every 6 hours or so, and the DHC sort of is but not wholly, lasted way too short, and still didn't properly cut it, so he moved me on to oxycontin 80s, which here people were shocked to find I'd been given without having cancer, a broken back, been stabbed/shot/suffered 2nd degree burns to most of my body or had my eyes ripped out of my head. And unlike every other doctor in the building was willing to give me the chlormethiazole I take as an antiseizure drug. The rest of them refused me anything for it outright. It could be abused, yes, and occasionally I'll make some myself (its quite easy, starting from vitamin B1, can be done in just two steps, not including the purification and extractions) for that purpose, or if I've had a seizure and needed an extra dose to stop it in its tracks before it gets to a serious degree, to kill it before it gets going, then I can replace it, and sometimes he will. The rest of them just refused me anything at all, abusable or completely without abuse potential whatsoever. And he's let me have some benzos on a repeat script until I don't need them, due to anxiety owing to the pig case against me (now been dropped without charge for total lack of evidence, because there wasn't any evidence to begin with, as I wasn't DOING what I was accused of (they keep trying, making the same false accusation, knowing full well its false, to get a warrant to come and harass me and my family)

Any other doc there? good luck trying to get those, unless you have a seizure in the office and they hit you with IM valium on the spot). He knows damned well that I know the dependency potential, and know enough about medicine and physiology to know what I am doing with them and not to get physically dependent upon the stuff. What he gave me, he originally was going to give me diazepam/valium IIRC, which I don't much care for, and don't find very effective, so agreed when I asked to give me nitrazepam, a very long lasting, and highly potent sedative-hypnotic benzo that lasts all day, and even agreed to let me increase my max dose to give me enough for twice a day, 14 a week, doubtless knowing I won't take it daily for addiction/dependence liability reasons, and will, when I need it, use as much as needed, when I have to (I.e use more than 2 daily, but only for a couple of days in a row at most). Case is dropped, but given the difficulty of obtaining them, I'm now building a stockpile, that I'll keep on the shelves, for those occasional days of the kind you just want to crawl into bed, pull the quilt over your head and leave nothing but your middle finger visible, directed at the rest of the world at large needing the day to go away, feeling stressed, overloaded and frazzled, like your nervous system was put through a blender full of acid.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13211 on: June 29, 2017, 08:01:18 AM »
I rely on the walk-in's basically.

Call the gp and you might get an appointment next month, if it's urgent they will tell you to go to the hospital or a walk in.

Then the gp would leave you sitting in the waiting room or exam room for an hour or more some days.

Let's schedule the healthy asthmatic for a check up, (so that she can get her script if you don't show up) during the double booked cold and flu season so that she can end up in urgent care 3 days later with a respiratory virus.  :zoinks:
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13212 on: June 29, 2017, 02:00:26 PM »
Broke an antique hand blown bottle moving flea market stuff around in the shed
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13213 on: June 29, 2017, 04:05:45 PM »
Asthma sucks. It won't go away!


I hate that. I haven't been there myself in years but wanted to express my sympathies.
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #13214 on: June 29, 2017, 09:00:00 PM »
Crazy busy day, body aches, can't sleep.
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