I'll come back when we start talking about snakes.

I grew up in a place where people venturing outside generally encounter a snake or several everyday. NO one wears shorts or flip-flops, even though summer temperatures are quite uncomfortably hot.
I was picked up at school at a very young age, maybe second grade, by my grandmother who had promised us fresh cookies. As she was grabbing her favorite set of cookie sheets, a rattlesnake attacked her from inside the cabinet. She got pissed!
She went over and grabbed her small coal shovel and began a systematic grabbing and throwing of every pan and pot in that cabinet until she found the snake and then beat the crap out of it and cut in to about six pieces with her little hand shovel.
After carrying it outside and feeding it to the pigs, she threw everything from the floor to the sink to be washed and in about twenty minutes we had some of her cookies to snack on.
Of course, we kids had seen it all before, but having a rattlesnake inside the kitchen was very annoying to my grandmother. Every man suffered until she was satisfied that any way in to the house for them rattly bastards was sealed.

I have a lot of snake stories that represent real life, rather than something found on the internet like the case of all that spider "data."
I have been bitten four times by rattlesnakes, but only one was on my upper body. My typical Texas boots protected me the other three times.
A water moccasin struck at me once while I was fishing in a river, but I dodged it and managed to beat it with a stick.