I really wasn't sure where to put this, but I deleted my friend who I hardly spoke to on FB, the one who introduced me to Chris. He hadn't done anything wrong especially, we hardly spoke anyway.

And lately he's not exactly laid back, and I've a feeling sooner or later he'll act morally superior to me and crap like that, cos that's how his posts are sounding these days. Politics and lots of news articles about how bad our government is behaving. Not that I disagree, but why bother continually bringing up problems when you don't want to solve any of them??!! I'm not judging him for that alone, just people like that in general, I tend to rub up the wrong way. They tend to dislike me.
I dunno, I feel it was for the best. It's not something I usually do. He kinda started acting funny with me ever since he introduced me to Chris anyway.
Another red flag was when he told me he preferred emotionally independent girlfriends. ARRRRRRGGHHHHHH.
TLDR: I feel bad for deleting someone even though we were growing apart.