
Author Topic: Just one quick bitch, part two  (Read 367603 times)

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #12360 on: December 29, 2016, 11:46:07 AM »
I'm about to get a lecture from some over-sensitive jerk. Oh goody.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #12361 on: December 29, 2016, 01:46:34 PM »
Why is it when I need attention, it's almost never there?

And when I don't...guess.

People all appear and all disappear at once. Kind of annoying. Not saying this place, but Facebook for instance.

And nobody is paying attention to my post on there with a bunch of illuminati signs.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #12362 on: December 29, 2016, 02:32:23 PM »
FB is a curious beast.  When I started, I took it way too seriously and freaked when I lost "friends" or got bothered when my posts didn't get much attention.  Now not so much.  It's my place to post what I want, sort of like a mini-blog spot.  A lot of my friends are seldom on for long or not at all for long periods of time.  It is what it is.
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #12363 on: December 29, 2016, 04:21:58 PM »
FB is a curious beast.  When I started, I took it way too seriously and freaked when I lost "friends" or got bothered when my posts didn't get much attention.  Now not so much.  It's my place to post what I want, sort of like a mini-blog spot.  A lot of my friends are seldom on for long or not at all for long periods of time.  It is what it is.

Facebook is such a weird place all around. People get offended if you unfriend them, even if you've barely said a word to them. People friend 100s of people they never talk to. It's like an address book, yet it's very personal.

Was gonna say I much preferred the 'net when it was mainly geeks and nerds occupying it, but then I realized...actually it sucked back then too.

The guy who unfriended me was overly sensitive and annoying. I didn't even know him and he friended me and I thought...OK, I thought my friends knew him. I would make some post complaining about something and he would keep asking me if I wanted his help. That sounds nice and sweet but he kept saying he didn't want to bother me, which again was annoying. He acted needy and asked if I wanted to meet up, and I said I wasn't interested. I tried to tell him exactly what was up and why I felt the way I did, but he took it as arguing and threatened to block me if I "argued" with him further. I told him I was trying to help him. Apparently half my posts "looked like cries for help" and they upset him.

Haven't bumped into anyone like that in a while.

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #12364 on: December 29, 2016, 04:32:52 PM »
FB is a curious beast.  When I started, I took it way too seriously and freaked when I lost "friends" or got bothered when my posts didn't get much attention.  Now not so much.  It's my place to post what I want, sort of like a mini-blog spot.  A lot of my friends are seldom on for long or not at all for long periods of time.  It is what it is.

Facebook is such a weird place all around. People get offended if you unfriend them, even if you've barely said a word to them. People friend 100s of people they never talk to. It's like an address book, yet it's very personal.

Was gonna say I much preferred the 'net when it was mainly geeks and nerds occupying it, but then I realized...actually it sucked back then too.

The guy who unfriended me was overly sensitive and annoying. I didn't even know him and he friended me and I thought...OK, I thought my friends knew him. I would make some post complaining about something and he would keep asking me if I wanted his help. That sounds nice and sweet but he kept saying he didn't want to bother me, which again was annoying. He acted needy and asked if I wanted to meet up, and I said I wasn't interested. I tried to tell him exactly what was up and why I felt the way I did, but he took it as arguing and threatened to block me if I "argued" with him further. I told him I was trying to help him. Apparently half my posts "looked like cries for help" and they upset him.

Haven't bumped into anyone like that in a while.

Yep, that sounds like a few of the people I had on my "friends" list.  They are gone.  I used to have my privacy controls set at only "friends of friends", but, I decided today to make it "everybody" for the reason that I was missing out on some people I knew from the past that had no mutual friends with me.  Dunc was one of them, now he and I are friends, cause he was looking for me on FB.  Another was a nurse I worked with a long time ago, she's not on that often, but, she did remember me from the chat we had and the pictures she could see on my page...hopefully we'll be friends soon.  I do screen all "friend" requests intensely, and with my excellent memory, I know people from even the distant past very well and with great clarity. 
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #12365 on: December 29, 2016, 09:50:44 PM »
^I'm happy to be your friend on there. :)

My bitch is that Kayleigh and I were meant to be building our shelves today but she stayed up all night playing games and has now gone to bed. By the time she gets up, it will be my bed time (I always like to go at the same time every night) so the shelves won't be built today. Grrrr.

Also, had a phone call from the car place who is servicing my car and to fix various things on it and replace fluids (steering, brake and coolant) will cost over $500. There goes my Christmas money.
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #12366 on: December 30, 2016, 05:34:36 AM »
  The trio of things I fear on the horizon:  Infirmity, senility, mortality.  :autism:
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #12367 on: December 30, 2016, 06:00:04 AM »
Can't you haggle on it ren? knock the fucker down in price some?

Managed to do something like that with my bank. Bastards tried to offer me a measly 20 quid at first for some major and unforgivable incompetent fuckups. I wouldn't back down, and squeezed them for £150 in order not to sue them.

What they don't realize, is I'm going to take the money, and then go to the ombudsman anyway, when they pay only 150, because I fully intend to charge them that sum EACH. Per error. For every single instance they did the same thing. Oh boy, they have a nasty surprise coming.

Although even that £150, that will buy me a nice big set of cupboards refilled with large cans of the various solvents I use, plenty new reagents and refills of stuff I already have and use, plus a few pieces of new glassware. Will keep some behind though, for my saving to buy myself a rotavap, which is right at the very top of my lab wish-list, that and an IR spectrophotometer. UV-vis too, if I can find a place to put it, because I won't put sensitive instrumentation like that in the lab itself, the rotavap, sure, but not things that might have trouble from any acidic or highly alkaline, or otherwise corrosive fumes. Damned if I'd spend thousands of pounds on equipment and then melt the insides. Wasn't too much of a pain with a £20-£25 cheapo lab balance strictly for weighing reagents, with a 10mg resolution, the one I did have and tortured to death with some of the things it had to weigh and eventually got spilled on (it was some SOCl2 that actually struck the death blow, but I could tell it had taken a severe dislike to weighing out the likes of acyl halides, acid anhydrides and certain phosphorus compounds which weren't too friendly either, as well as iodine monochloride and the violently powerful oxidizer CrO2Cl2 (chromyl chloride, a chromium compound that takes the form of a dark liquid, like bromine or ICl in visual appearance, volatile, hydrolyses in atmospheric moisture and reacts violently with water, and with most solvents its incompatible, or likely to cause them to burst into flames)

It served me well, and I'll get another, because there is no sodding WAY I am using my new super-sensitive 1mg resolution scale anywhere NEAR the kinds of things I used the cheaper one to weigh out. I dread to think how much my  father paid for that xmas gift, actually I have yet to even use it, although rest assured, it will serve me well indeed. Either a new balance, or possibly a heating mantle with magnetic stirring were what I was hoping for most. Definitely not going to expose such a doubtless expensive bit of equipment to the least bit of anything nasty. Caustic soda is about the worst thing I'd allow near it, and that with great care.
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #12368 on: December 31, 2016, 12:03:37 AM »
Lestat - got them down to $465, heh.
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #12369 on: December 31, 2016, 12:21:53 PM »
Some dirty bastard gave me a cold a few days ago. I got through nearly an entire box of tissues and half a stick of lip balm.
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #12370 on: December 31, 2016, 01:44:29 PM »
The tolls on the trip to Florida cost almost $70 round trip which is about what the gas cost for just one way
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #12371 on: December 31, 2016, 04:45:32 PM »
Some dirty bastard gave me a cold a few days ago. I got through nearly an entire box of tissues and half a stick of lip balm.

Would the cold have been a better quality one if you got it from a clean legitimate person?
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #12372 on: January 05, 2017, 08:11:03 AM »
This guy from the dealership keeps replying to my emails in ALL CAPS :autism:

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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #12373 on: January 05, 2017, 08:25:34 AM »
I once met a guy who turned caps lock on and off every time he typed a capital letter because he thought the shift key was only for symbols.
There are no atheists when the toilet water is rising.
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Re: Just one quick bitch, part two
« Reply #12374 on: January 05, 2017, 11:31:06 AM »
This guy from the dealership keeps replying to my emails in ALL CAPS :autism:

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