Oh well, it finally happened....I have gone over to the DARKSIDE.......I put up the Xmas decorations BEFORE December 1st.........OY Now it remains to be seen whether I descend further into it by leaving them up after January 1st.....Help me, Obi Wan Kenobi, your my only hope!!!!!!!! 

Oh hell, it's getting to be that time of year again. 
Now do I dig out the fiber optic tree or go with the shiny aluminum one?
Another tacky redneck Christmas. 
We have a small, artificial fiber optic tree....suits us just fine. In my childhood, we had a shiny aluminum one...straight out of a Charlie Brown Christmas........now that I remember, we had 1 big one and 3 smaller ones. And the big one had a revolving light on the floor that had blue, red, green and yellow.
Oh, and our small green fiber optic tree......has a small plastic skull ring behind the angel on top.

A ring that I won playing ski-ball at an arcade! <evil grin> My wife and daughter still don't know it's there!