renaeden: Thanks, though I already know how to do that. It's just that I made that mistake in the first place, it's unacceptable.
I think the worst mistake is when people say "could of" instead of "could've". I despise it. It can burn in a fire.
I think a problem with Aspie boards is you get a whole bunch of natural born grammar Nazis and a whole bunch of people with neurological issues such as dyslexia that affect their ability to write/spell

. You can 't seperate us because most of us belong in the intersection between the two sets
For myself , I find my own tendendency to use "it's" and "its" interchangably is increasing alarmingly, as I age, and ability to spot own errors diminishing.
That particular error is partly due to hearing the words in my head as I read/write them . Of course the two sound exactly the same, and can only be differentiated by context. Given my tendency for repeating syllables/ words/ whole sentences (at worst) I guess my brain has big problems recalling context at times
I catch
most of my typos before hitting send. I've aready turned "ut's " into "it's"

I think I'll leave "tendendency " alone, now I notice it It provides a handy illustration of my subsequent point.
If you're gonna find stuff like that "unacceptable"... ummm, sorry but you are you are doomed, JC, DOOMED