Still have not found places for all my plants for the winter
Following several infestations of fungus gnats during the autumn, I now nbserve strict segregration of indoor and outdoor plants. Nothing, but nothing overwinters,indoors. If it can't stand the winter, it doesn't grow in my garden. No great sacrififice, in my case though, because I do prefer resilient, naturalistic, native species to finicky foreiners. The problem arose because I thought to prolong the usefulness of some of my herbs, especially the mint, by bringing them indoors . Fungus gnats are huge fans of mint, as it happens. As a result, I had to chuck away my pots of supermarket basil as well as the mint!
The actual indoor plants are a sad array, though, cos like the weeble, i just can;'t consistently take care of things . Even cacti sometimes bite the dust, due to neglect, and yeah I do feel guilty when that happens

. I once refused to ever have indoor plants at all (having become too overwhelmed with guilt, already, during my childhood) but people
will buy them for you sometimes, Won'rt they? And some gifts have survived and even got so far as reproducing. And I've beccome pretty fond of them. Indoor greenery is a lovely thing to have