2-3 weeks back: An antique bank of electric sockets suddenly blows, and I'm left no power in any of the sockets. Fiddling with fusebox fails to make any difference, However, it tsoon becomes apparent that all the sockets as well as a seemingly random few lights lights are on the same circuit, never mind what that lying labels say. I call they letting agent; they send an electrician. He replaces the sockets and gets the power back. However, my washing machine is now dead.
Last week: I wake up Tuesday morning to find the power has gone again, same as before. Call letting Agent. Letting agent calls the deranged old bitch of an owner and she says she will send her own electrician. Grrr.
Tuersday afternoon, I notice that the combi boiler is leaking yet again. There's a big pool of water under it , and the pressuere gauge is almost zero. As usual, the occasional liitle rivulet runs into the electric underneath. Hmm.
Wednesday morning, i call the Agent about the boiler, he says he'll call the deranged bitch. Aaargh. I say she still hasn't sent an electrician. And i now have to throw away two freezerloads of food. Eventually letting agenst relest, and send their own electrician round.
Sunday: the freaking kettle blows, possibly from overuse? I now have no hot water, no heating, no washing machine, no food in the freezers and no kettle. But I do have power, supposing there's anything left to plug in. The kettle tripped the fuses, but they switched back on OK *phew*
Today: finally the plumber arrives, determines that the boiler needs a part replaced and goes away, saying he'll be back tomorrow with the part.
I then have a serious word with my son about lack of contributions towards bills and stuff. And then he tells me he's just lost his job. *sigh*
Oh! And a friend picked me up a new kettle on his travels. But still, I am not in the best of moods.