You don't want to make that trade hyke, cold sores come back to haunt people again and again, whenever the herpes virus (not the same as genital herpes, at least, not unless someone's got their cold sore from...certain oral activities, relating to the opposite gender...

) decides to come out of its latent infection state and cause trouble. Been under increased stress lately odeon? that can trigger a flare, and probably likewise with your immune issues. Mine, pompholyx, rears up to give me hell with my feet from time to time, but its a lot worse for doing it when I've undergone a period of increased stress, or a shorter isolated incident/time of something really unpleasant, or intensely stressful, that can trigger a flareup and need a quick response in the form of steroid gel/ointment/cream although I by far prefer gels for most topical medicaments where the medicine exists in more than one choice option of vehicle exists for the same concentration of active ingredient. Just for sensory reasons, I prefer the gel base to a cream or ointment, I don't really find the latter two options very pleasant. Tolerable, yes, but I just don't like them, reason enough for me, as long as it doesn't mean that a treatment cannot be used or doesn't work as well, etc. then I'll use whatever gives maximal benefit for minimal discomfort or dislike. The steroid gel I use comes as mometasone 0.1% dissolved in a petroleum jelly type base, although a lot thicker than vaseline, its more like quite thin, very soft wax almost, like vaseline with a few percent of wax and plasticizers added, amongst other things. But consistency wise, it takes quite some squeezing from the tube, unlike the ointment/cream version that could be squirted some distance if someone were to grip a tube full and give it a quick, sharp, vicious squeeze. The gel barely oozes out slowly when taking some out. And it spreads better, thinner and doesn't leave my feet feeling all icky afterwards. And when I use it for an indication other than what it was prescribed for, namely, when my hand starts thickening up too much over the palm and needs thinning down, the steroids work well once the scar tissue is cut down a bit with a blade when needs be. (I am not referring here to self harm, just to paring off really thickened, hypertrophic growth of the dead surface layers, when it gets overgrown or interferes with my bending the worse affected finger joints, using a sharp surgical scalpel blade. Its because in my younger years, I managed to both (although separate occasions) burn myself quite badly with HClO4, and another time with SOCl2
after spilling some of the latter, and despite wearing gloves, it ate through them and got right on with its busily chewing into me as well. Rusted the (non-stainless)steel spikes on my gloves right before my eyes, hissing and spitting and fuming as I frantically tried to rip my gloves off before the thionyl chloride chewed through all the way. I just didn't get there in time; some small consolation, I suppose, is that it burnt the same place that the perchloric did all that time before, and it actually disintegrated mainly the part of that hand's glove on the palm side, where the HClO4 scar is, rather, at least, thankfully, than making the rest of it look like raw meat too (looks an AWFUL lot better nowadays, but it still gets overgrown and needs sanding down or cutting down in places on occasion, to prevent its overgrowing particularly round the finger joints and palm creases. Doesn't hurt to do it or anything, as its just thinning down dead wood basically, but occasionally using a burst of steroids for a little while over the affected parts, helps keep it from reforming as thickened, overgrown scartissue.
Further bitch-oh arseholeing cunting bollocksery and shitfuck. Just stood up to swap the SD card in my laptop, and knocked over my glass of rose lemonade. Thankfully almost completely drank all of it beforehand, but there was enough to go down my dressing gown sleeve and down the side a bit so needed to toss it in the wash. More annoyed about having to pour myself another glass now before I'd quite finished the last one (well, I finished it alright, but the carpet was the one doing the drinking, I only did the finishing in the sense of 'made final, with a distinct air of finality about it':P
Its just so damn tasty, hadn't had it before, and there WERE only three bottles to be bought, in the shop, or I'd have bought more to start with, as I trust the Fentiman's brand name as being one
quite unlikely to produce anything that could answer to the description 'undrinkable filth', and I know I like rose used in flavouring, and like proper good quality, real lemonade, so felt optimistic enough about it to snag all three then and there on trust. Good enough, as I'm down to the last bottle already, and drank the lot, save for the few mouthfuls spilled.
Oh, and yet another bitch-Wondered why my fingers were so shaky, I thought I must have been in need of further dosing my adrenal blocking meds, the clonidine/tizanidine I mean (I don't take beta blockers, have done, but hated it, and got off as soon as I could. Ick!), went upstairs to look for them, and then noticed that I'd MADE my opioid dose for this morning, my main one at least. I just hadn't taken it. Made it, probably went for a leak or to roll a smoke or something, or answer the door, etc. etc. and utterly forgot it, thinking I'd had it, because I KNEW I hadn't forgotten to prepare one for use. *facepalm* no effing wonder my knee was hurting quite so badly earlier, because a fat lot of bugger all good all the meds on this earth are going to do me if I just leave them lying there on the shelf