Nasty. you tried corticosteroid shots into the affected joints? if the doc doing it knows what they are doing, it really isn't as unpleasant as it sounds, a little pain on insertion of the needle, and it feels kinda cold going in, but usually done with a local mixed in, and any discomfort is only for a moment while administering the shot. I get it done for my hips, and my bad knee (fell on a big shard of glass as a kid, went through the patellar tendon into the knee joint. Got the same knee stamped on repeatedly by a bunch of pikey trash not long after, its never been the same since. Not too bad at first but over the years its got worse and worse, then resulted in the alteration in gait causing the bursitis.
Yeah, I've had it on a few occasions. The last one, in my right jaw joint, went really, really wrong, unfortunately, and I've not wanted one since.
I want biologics, but for some reason they don't want to give them to me.