My poor daughter's car seems to be a rear end magnet for inattentive drivers. First time, 5 months ago it was some idiot lady manipulating her radio and couldn't stop in time, hit Amber and pushed her into another car. Fortunately, it was the other driver's fault and we only had to pay the premium on the insurance. This time, today, it was some idiot guy scratching an itch on his leg and driving too close. Amber had to stop because the road was blocked by a guy turning into a seafood restaurant. Not her fault again, fortunately as the police report will read. AT least this time I was available and could help, insurance notified and processed and as before the car is pretty driveable and should be ok until we can get it to the body shop for assessment and repair. Amber is a good driver, but, this car seems to have a magnet in it's butt for inattentive fools.
I picked a bad time to give up drinking!