Can't really think of a very significant bitch.
I could do with a few liters more methyl cyanide, THF, diethyl ether, dichloromethane/aka methylene chloride and chloroform. As well as topping up my toluene stocks, and I just nearly finished off half of the 20 liters of methanol I last got.
The other solvent (although a reactant in the particular process I wish to try rather than solvent, which is unusual for such a damn inert compound) that I REALLY need, is some carbon tet. Which has been demonized by elf'n\safety busybodies. Carbon tetrachloride is very seldom used now and no more can it be found in dry-cleaners. Don't need a great deal of it, but its blasted hard to find at all. I really don't want to have to piss about MAKING it from scratch starting from bleaching powder and acetone (going via a haloform reaction on the 'tone, to chloroform then further photocatalytically aided free-radical chlorination of HCCl3 to carbon tet.